Comforter Sets With Matching Curtains Bed Bath & Beyond

queen comforter sets with matching drapes

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Coronation Day [Chapter 14]

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Chapter 13 Art: The Flower of Alhamkara
Chapter 14: A Return (art to follow)
A/N: I will start by saying that HJ 2021 will premier on the 21st, as I'm sure many are wondering. For those of you not on my patreon or discord who are curious about why there’s a chapter for Coronation Day today and not HEL Jumper, I spent the last part of the year gauging the desire within the community for more HJ versus spending a bit of time each month on other works. As a result of community feedback and my own personal desires, you can expect two HJ chapters each month going forward, along with a full length installment of either CD or some other OC of mine. I hope you’ll all give some of my other work a shot if you haven’t already. Happy New Year everyone, it's great to be back.
Special Thanks to Big_Papa_Dakky, Darth_Android, bloblob, AMERICUH, Ironwing, Mr_Polygon, Krystalin, Mamish, Mike, Vikairious, Sam_Berry, KillTech, LilLaussa, Daddy_Talon, Gruecifer, Gaelan_Darkwater, Konrahd_Verdammt, red-shirt, DaPorkchop, Benjamin Durbin, Siddabear, and everyone else supporting me on patreon.
When Spot left Eina behind in the medical wing he’d expected the nerves, the shaking. He was going to kill other faunum in the name of the King and Queen. He’d proceeded to do so several times, in some cases brutally, like the animals to which they were all so closely related. What he hadn’t expected was the same sensations on the way back. The operation against the Oro had gone off almost without a hitch but the one casualty had been his partner, and he had no idea if Eina would still be waiting for him when he got back, if she would still be alive. Fortunately for his nerves, he, Idris, and his comatose partner were rocketing back towards the palace in a shuttle that, on the outside, appeared as nothing more than an ambulance. It was one of the best armed and armored ambulances in the kingdom, but nobody watching needed to know that. The remainder of the Sekhama were either still at the Oro’s base of operations securing evidence and ensuring a perimeter, or returning to the various military bases from which they deployed, using a randomly generated dispersal pattern to throw off those who might be looking at things they shouldn’t with technology they shouldn’t possess. If katana anti-air launchers were filtering down into the hands of street gangs, who was to say what else they had on hand?
“Spot,” Octavia got his attention in a low, almost fatherly voice. “I’m only going to say this once. You are a member of the Sekhama now. You will always be watched, scrutinized, and appraised for weakness or strength, just like the rest of us. Find yourself somewhere private if you need to mourn or deal with what happened tonight. Maintaining your health as a professional soldier is just as much your job as the actual killing of the Crown’s enemies. Am I clear?”
“Yes sir,” Spot managed to reply, feeling like he was forcing the words through a tightening rubber tube. With every second he was getting closer to an answer he wasn’t sure he wanted to know, and what a third party observer would have described as an unhealthy obsession with a street whore. Idris Octavia was not that sort of observer.
“Good. There are those in the employ of the Matriarch who are skilled in the art of conversation and are as loyal to her as any of us are to the Queen or King. Or go to the heavy ordinance range. Both are fine.”
“But you said rookies aren’t normally allowed into the harem after their first mission. You don’t need to-”
“I have had this conversation with every single rookie since I assumed command of this force, Spot. The harem is not some street corner sex den where your brothers in arms get to fool around either by the grace of or for the enjoyment of the upper crust of society, though I understand well its appeal in that regard. You can get anything there from a perfectly brewed cup of tea to things unmentionable even in the corridors when you think no one is listening. Speaking to somebody about what you’ve seen and done is a far cry from getting your cock wet. You are not special,” the lion insisted gruffly, ensuring silence as the pilot radioed the cabin from the cockpit, informing them that they’d entered the palace’s direct airspace and were about to touch down atop the medical wing’s helipad. Spot had little time to reflect upon the Commander’s words as the side of the shuttle opened and he leapt out onto the tarmac, ready to assist the two medical staff who had accompanied Doc Oz in moving Tark’s gurney from the vehicle to solid ground.
“So you are the partner?” the doctor noted as he walked around to get a head on view of the shattered limb of Spot’s partner. “You removed the arm?”
“I uh, yes sir.”
“Commander Octavia, who was the field medic who saw to the injury?”
“Pteris. And if you could hold your evaluations until the sun comes up at least, Doctor?”
Oz waved him off with a feathered arm as the medical staff began wheeling the injured Sekhama to the elevator that would lead directly to the back end of the medbay, with Spot hot in tow. “I will only submit a complaint if they screwed up and cost our brave Sekhama here some amount of functionality in his new limb, Commander. Otherwise I suppose congratulations are in order?”
“You’re always a riot, Oz. Enjoy it while you can. We have a lot you’re going to have to sift through come morning and none of it is pretty,” Octavia explained, joining them in the elevator as the shuttle pilot threw them a salute and kicked his bird back into the air, bound for the palace’s vehicle storage and maintenance depot. The large, fortified structure was located well within the palace’s security perimeter, but distant enough so as not to ruin the experience of visiting dignitaries or other patrons of the crown. Spot watched it go, soaring gracefully over the palms and other greenery of the palace grounds before becoming naught but a dim light in the black night sky, faintly reminding him of the first time he’d been brought to the palace. That life seemed far away, as though something he could only remember through a looking glass. His was that of a Sekhama now, and all the grief and triumph that came along with it.
After a tense, silent ride in the elevator, broken only by the clicking of Spot’s shotgun bolt as the rookie did his best to remain calm, the doors opened and Oz went to work as bright, white lights guiding their way to an already prepared operating suite. Spot barely had a chance to look around the room before the medical professionals had passed through the sterilization bubble and began transferring Tark to the operating table. By the time he’d checked every bed visually and noted every single one of them was empty, pristine, and awaiting new patients, Oz was already determining his partner’s reactions to electronic stimuli via the protective artificial socket that had been fixed to the arm in the field. “Eina…”
Octavia inhaled a deep breath through his nose and placed a heavy paw on Spot’s shoulder. “Welcome to the other half of being a Sekhama.”
Spot did his best to control his lips and eyes, feeling the natural reactions tugging at him, willing tears to spring from his lids. “They’re dead, at least,” was all he could say, his voice parched and cracked.
“They are, Spot, by your hand. What you’re feeling right now is the bittersweet line between justice and vengeance. If you choose to cleanse your palate with some of the harem’s jasmine tea, I will meet you there.”
“Do you really give this talk to every rookie, sir?” Spot wondered as their heavy boots rang off the sterile, linoleum floor and they moved to observe the beginnings of Tark’s operation from a respectful distance. Octavia allowed himself to smile then, just a bit.
“Not all of my rookies fall in love with street whores, Spot. And before you snap at me as I know you so desperately want to… I find it reassuring that even in this line of work something so unreasonably hopeful can happen. If she is gone, be strong for that boy.”
“You have… I don’t know if I can do that,” Spot replied, clenching his fists so tightly the creaking of his gloves could be heard against the handle of his shotgun. Octavia crossed his arms over his chest and nodded.
“That’s why it wasn’t an order, Spot. You have thirty minutes. Otherwise, wait until after your next op or put in a request directly with one of the Matriarch’s staff to speak with one of her healers. It’s your choice.”
Spot lowered his head, closing his eyes as the lights from over head reflected up at him off the spotless floor. It felt a mockery in a way, light and dead. “I appreciate this, sir. I’ll be there.”
Octavia hummed approvingly. “Good, but ditch the shotgun.”
“So, you’re the one? Hmmm, our Lady did always have an eye for quality and an unhealthy obsession with the underbelly of society. You are her diamond in the rough, I suppose. I assume you know who I am?” the matronly hyena demanded in a silken voice, walking slowly in a full circle around where Eina sat, straight backed on a plush ottoman in the middle of one of the several private chambers that made up the south wing of the glistening jewel of Alhamkara’s palace, the harem.
“You’re the Matriarch,” the cheetah replied in a weak voice. The hyena nodded, taking her chin between her fingers as she considered her from every angle.
“Oh they’ll like you, my dear. Meek and mild mannered with an alluring, voluptuous street body, with modifications to match. I know a few gentlemen and more than one lady who would pay dearly to spend a night with you if that is still to your liking. Ah ah ah now Eina, you cannot ever show fear or they will eat you alive. It is not wise to allow the clientele to believe they hold power here. That rests with you. So tell me little cat, why did you come knocking at my door the moment you were able to walk again?” Matriarch asked, sitting in a chair opposite Eina and crossing her legs one over the other. Her body was clad in a voluminous robe of the finest silks dyed a deep, earthen red and trimmed with gold. The symbol of the palace, the dawning sun, adorned the collar below her left cheek. The sight of her left Eina speechless for a moment. Her elegant dress was modest, covering her entire upper body, arms, and most of her legs when standing, but she understood how to arrange herself just so, ensuring a tantalizing glance of her thighs and calves when seated. The queen of the harem smiled at her, keeping her teeth behind her lips. “I’m flattered, my dear. Now introductions? Let’s start there.”
“I am Eina, my lady,” the cheetah replied quietly.
“And you’re quite honest. Not always a good quality but I demand absolute loyalty from those who serve me, just as is demanded of me by those I serve. Now, apart from my wonderful decor,” the Matriarch said, gesturing with a smooth sweep of her arm to the room around them. Sandstone walls, a rich dark wood bed frame, silks and pillows trimmed in gold, ornate hookah pipes and vases of rare desert flowers all set the scene where the wealthiest and most powerful might indulge themselves, and where Eina never in a million years dreamed she might be. “Why did you come to the harem, Eina?”
She stammered a reply. “I w-wish to repay her majesty, Lady Keiko. I am without s-skills, so I thought-”
“You thought that a dancer from an illicit brothel could just waltz into the harem and begin to serve as the Crown requires,” the Matriarch finished playfully, cowing Eina into silence. After a moment under her gaze, withering before her stern, mahogany eyes she looked away, feeling shame grow within her breast. “Honest and brave. Unpolished stones have no place in my collection, but I called you a diamond for a reason, your eyes not the least of them. I already know what you went through to get them and why, so we will not waste our time on such matters as your past. The kitchens would take you, Eina, as well as the other handmaidens. We could always use someone else to air out the bedding. You do not have to do this.”
Eina looked up at her again curiously, finding that the Matriarch had procured a thin, wooden pipe from somewhere on her person. The material was dark, almost black, polished to a fine sheen and inlaid with ivory. With practiced motions she packed the small bowl and lit it with a strike of her fingers, catalysing a reaction that sent a thin trail of haunting, blue smoke into the air. She puffed lightly, exhaling a vibrant, sparkling cloud of azure fumes. “I’ve only ever seen it so pure once in my life,” Eina remarked.
That comment actually elicited a reaction from the seasoned hyena as she cocked her brow ever so slightly. “Indeed? We do not serve anything else here, and we refine it ourselves.”
“I can only imagine what that would cost,” Eina replied wistfully, feeling her mouth begin to salivate as the smell reached her. “That is… utterly divine.”
“And your relationship with the substance is exceedingly complicated,” the Matriarch pointed out, removing the pipe from between her lips and allowing it to rest comfortably on one knee. “Perhaps that is the answer?”
“N-No! I would never… no,” Eina pleaded. “If I require it I was told to return to the medical wing.”
“And where is the fun in that?” the hyena chuckled, finally relenting. “Eina, this is but a taste of the sort of games that are played in my world. I admire your devotion to our Lady, but I need to know you can survive this place. If a client comes to anticipate your services, I cannot simply inform them that you are no longer available.”
Eina shook her head briefly, partially to clear the sinful smell of azure smoke from her nostrils and partially to contemplate the idea of not just being the piece of meat that was on duty that day of the week, to have clients in the true sense of the word, to be a service in demand. “Do all of your employees engage in my old line of work?” she finally asked.
“The dancing, or the sex in exchange for money?” Matriarch replied without a hint of sympathy.
“Sex in exchange for the ability to feed myself and my children,” Eina shot back after a deep breath. Her interviewer nodded her head curtly.
“I would like to make two things clear to you, Eina. The first is that your children will be cared for regardless of what happens after this conversation. They are innocent, and will be treated as such. The second is that sex is only one of the wide array of services I, my staff, and possibly you might offer to our clientele. And I personally hold both sides of sexual transactions to exacting standards of professionalism and pleasure. This is not the world you came from, Eina.”
“Then I will have no problem surviving it,” she replied, her human-like eyes narrowing in determination. She did not care how devious or brutal the palace’s guests were. There were rules within those mighty sandstone walls. At the Oasis, where money and muscle did the talking, there were none.
“I admire your determination, but that remains to be seen.”
“Then if you have the time, Matriarch, I’d like to tell you about the birth of my first child, Keiko.”
“Elandri, they have you on night shift again?” Octavia demanded, approaching the vaulted double doors of wrought metal that led to the palace harem. The entire surface was lovingly detailed, depicting scenes both carnal and beautiful, and flanked by two of the harem’s ceremonial guards. They sported the same sort of armor worn by Idris for official functions, overwrought with expressive metalwork on large pauldrons and intricate embroidery in gold on deep navy tunics and skirts. Bangles of gold and shining metallic greaves adorned their lower legs, with each wielding a spear and a knife at their belts. They were there both to enforce and to entice, perhaps the only truly forbidden fruit within the harem and a reminder that impropriety would not be tolerated under the gaze of the Crown. The commander of the Sekhama stepped forward and embraced Elandri, the lioness returning the hug briefly before stepping back and running a hand through the close cropped, crimson ‘mane’ that ran down the back of her head and neck. Such female manes were rare but not unheard of in Alhamkara. Among the bloodline of the Octavias, it was practically expected.
“I requested it, uncle. And I’m well past the age you need to be intervening on my behalf around the palace, especially in matters as mundane as guard shifts,” she said in a soft tone, her voice nevertheless carrying a fair distance through the curved, stone hallways that made up the central elements of the palace.
“I would never!” Octavia protested, wilting quickly under Elandri’s keen gaze before smiling genuinely for the first time in more than a day. “How are things in there?”
“Plenty of room for your boys if that’s what you’re asking,” she reported. “The esteemed Lord Torando tends to mope about more often than not, but he keeps his dour thoughts to himself and pays well. I assume the operation was a success?”
“You know I can’t speak about such things openly. You’ll see tomorrow,” he replied calmly, knowing full well he’d answered the question regardless.
“Good, that’s good then. I have a message for you, by the way.”
“From the Matriarch?”
“Yeah, who else?” Elandri wondered, leaning against her spear. “She’s with a new girl tonight, so you’ll have to wait a bit.”
“New girl?” the Commander asked curiously.
“Don’t sound so eager, dear uncle,” his niece teased. The lion tossed his mane lightly and scoffed back at her.
“I don’t need to take that from you, whelp. But very well. I suppose once she accepts a new member she considers them one of her children in a way. I can wait for the rookie out here then,” Idris decided, leaning against the wall next to his niece.
“Rookie? You don’t usually let rookies in here,” she pointed out.
“I don’t, but this is a bit of a unique circumstance,” Octavia replied. “It was a mentally difficult operation, and if he dies on his next op I’d likely go to my grave regretting that I didn’t give a street urchin at least one taste of this place.”
“So that dog’s not so wet behind the ears anymore?” Elandri deduced easily. “Well good for him. Not sure any of the regulars will be that impressed by a rook, but there are always plenty of serving girls and handmaidens who’d jump at him.”
“I’m not sure how to feel about my niece appraising the sexual potential of my own troops,” Octavia chuckled with a shake of his head. Elandri joined him.
“Part of the territory, uncle. And you know well enough I’ve always wanted this job. So try not to treat me like the little girl you’d let ride on your shoulders?”
Her words had Octavia walking to the other side of the corridor, looking out through the archways of stone over the western half of the palace. The harem’s main room faced east, allowing the rising sun to warm its gardens and beds. “You will always be that girl to me, but you are a fine young woman as well. Just don’t run off with any of my boys and we’ll be fine.”
“You have that little faith in them?” Elandri wondered in surprise.
“No, just the opposite. I would hate for my grandnephews or grandnieces to come home one day to a world without their father is all,” he said with open remorse. His niece shook her head.
“How many times do I need to tell you that wasn’t your fault, uncle?” she demanded hotly.
“You’ve always been kind to me on that account Elandri, but there is plenty of blame to be placed on the shoulders of all parties, mine included. Enough about that, though,” he insisted as the firm footfalls of another individual could be heard from down the corridor. “Ready to have a little fun?”
“Best part of my job, minus the azure and baths,” Elandri said with a hint of eagerness in her voice. “Wonder who will catch his eye first. Bet you it’ll be Lycia. She loves herself a fresh cut of meat. Never understood why she doesn’t join up full time. Guess she enjoys the allure of being the outsider.”
“Then I’ll be sure to steer him in the opposite direction,” Octavia insisted as Spot slowed to stop in front of them and saluted.
“Sir,” he said respectfully. The commander looked him over and nodded in approval. The rookie had possessed the common sense to leave his bloodstained armor back in the armory. He addressed Elandri as well. “Good evening.”
“Ah he’ll get along just fine,” the lioness laughed. “Word of advice, kid, don’t stare. Surest sign of a newbie.”
“Oh stop it, Elandri. No one gets to just walk through these doors, and you know everyone who does. They’ll know he’s new. That said she’s right, Spot. Act like you’ve been there before if you want to return, and no matter what you do remember your place,” Octavia commanded without elaborating on exactly what that entailed. Spot nodded humbly, looking at his boots.
“I won’t cause trouble, sir.”
“I’m more worried about our esteemed Commander here if my dear employer finds herself busy,” Elandri ribbed her uncle. “So the name Spot stuck, did it? Well you don’t look a thing like you did when you first showed up. Have fun in there.”
Spot felt his heart catch in his throat as Elandri and her partner took a step towards the center of the doors, each grabbing a knocker in the shape of a lion’s head. They rapped twice, the clang of metal on metal echoing through the hallways and surely on the other side as well. As the guards stood aside the doors opened inward, leaving only a moment for Octavia to give his recently graduated rookie one final piece of advice. “Remember, you’re a killer. Most of them aren’t.”
Spot’s brow furrowed as he remembered the kick of his shotgun against his shoulder and the smell of blood. The sight before him had to have been its exact opposite, even before he stepped across the threshold. “So that’s what the inside of the central tower looks like,” he murmured, walking forward with Octavia as the guards on the other side of the doors bowed and closed the entryway behind them. Spot did his best to keep his face stern and rigid, but found it difficult as every one of his senses was assailed at once. Towering columns formed a ring from just behind him at each side of the doors all the way out to the far point of the central area of the harem. Those more cultured than he would have referred to what lay before him as an amphitheater, with a sunken performance stage in the middle surrounded by comfortable seating at every angle. Cushions that had to be worth more than a month of his salary were scattered about in a pattern that appeared haphazard, but each invited him to be seated at a perfect distance from other guests while enjoying azure hookah or simple flavored tobacco instead. He noticed both. Small tables were set up every so often to entertain groups of two to four, or individuals who might wish to take a meal along with their show. In the center of the amphitheater, or arena as far as Spot was concerned, a young gazelle clad in translucent crimson silks and gold jewelry danced to a beautiful melody played by a pair of wild dogs. The gentlemen were around Spot’s age, if he had to guess, and were dressed far better than he was. Their tunics and pants were done in the same crimson and gold motif that seemed to accompany all of the staff. Conservative and regal, they ensured the musicians were pleasing to the eye without taking away from the performer herself. Spot contented himself knowing he had them beat on musculature, at least.
Tearing his eyes away from the body of the gazelle, which he figured he’d be able to see forever in his mind’s eye, he noticed two smaller wooden doors to either side of him. They were both made of wood and designed to blend in with the walls. Spot figured easily enough that they were for the staff as one of them opened and a serving girl no less beautiful than the dancing gazelle stepped through. The hyena lass was carrying an opulent tray with a bottle of amber alcohol, a gilded crystal glass, a small chest of ice, and a mahogany box of cigars along with all of the necessary accoutrements. With practiced grace she moved down the stairs of the ‘arena’ and walked along the row to where her patron awaited her, a rhinoceros who had to be a commodity magnate of some kind or another based on his well tailored suit and carved horns, one of which bore a guild emblem that he couldn’t make out at distance. The rookie watched as the server went about pouring a glass for him over a single cube of ice, not wasting a drop, before cutting a cigar and offering it to him. The businessman leaned forward slightly, taking in the center of her cleavage left exposed by her uniform, as she struck a match and lit the cigar with a tiny, blue flame. What was perhaps most surprising to Spot was the fact that the older man dismissed her casually without so much as a second glance, much less a slap on the ass or some other unbecoming action that nevertheless would surely be permitted in that place. The smoke from the cigar carried up and away from the wealthy gentleman, wafting slowly away from the guests and out through the several open arches across the way.
“Damn,” Spot whispered, realizing just how large the gardens that rested beyond those columns had to be given the size of the room they were in and the fact that it clearly made up a concentric circle within the main tower. He noticed a well lit fountain at the center of well-manicured, branching paths, but the majority of the area was concealed from him, likely intentionally. He figured more than a few secrets had been shared in the ‘privacy’ of the trees and bushes there, to say nothing of the several rooms that made up the rest of the inner circle between the serving entrances, the grand corridors to the north and south, and the gardens to the east. He counted four on each side, each situated under one arch between two columns, and each of which was concealed by drapes and tapestries just as fine as the rest of the place. Some were dark and unused, while others were lit. One in particular caught his attention due to the fact that while obviously occupied, the occupants had only seen fit to close the thinnest of the privacy curtains. He wasn’t sure what miracle of material engineering allowed light and silhouettes through while concealing much of the sound from beyond, but little was left to the imagination regarding just what sort of carnal pleasures the occupants were indulging in. Given how few attendees were paying direct attention, with little more than a laugh or two shared between a couple of well dressed ladies eating delicate pastries one of the tables, Spot came to the somewhat horrifying conclusion that semi-public, if not downright public sex was a key feature of the harem. He tore his eyes away and rubbed the bristly hair on the back of his neck, wondering if such a performance ever took place within the arena proper.
“I’d say that’s a proper reaction,” Octavia chuckled deep in his belly. “Baths are that way, through the south corridor. Maybe make that your first stop? North is the main dining room. Unless you want your ear talked off by visiting dignitaries for hours on end, I’d avoid it.”
Spot nodded, but wouldn’t have been able to repeat Octavia’s words if his life depended on it. He was far too focused on an older hyena dressed in flattering, red robes escorting a young cheetah female through the space. She was dressed in the same clothing as the rest of the staff and had no tail. It was easy for the Commander to spot what had captured the rookie’s attention. He pursed his lips, impressed at the sight. “Well what do you know? Oz pulled it off.”
“Try not to stare so much, my dear. You are not here to look at them; they are here to look at you,” the Matriarch advised as she led Eina from the northern servant’s corridor, which connected to the vast kitchens that kept the various guests of the harem sated, into the main chamber. The cheetah clutched her hands in front of her and bowed slightly.
“My apologies, Mistress,” Eina offered, returning her gaze primarily to her new employer. For whatever else it was worth, the Oasis had made her an expert on ignoring trouble, no matter how alluring. “I have just never seen such wonders before.”
The Matriarch tugged the corner of one of her lips into a smile. “You may just find yourself suited to serving tea yet. As you can see we have a performance hall, if you will. Currently the display is a more refined version of your old profession, but it can range from feats of strength and combat to sex and other displays of the flesh. As a server you will find yourself walking those stairs quite often. When you are finished with your tour today you will spend time walking up and down the stairs of the palace and you will be evaluated each day by other more experienced ladies or gentlemen of the harem. You will learn the preparation, presentation, and art of serving tea in the same manner. If your performance is acceptable, you will be permitted to serve the men and women who pay for and expect nothing but the best.”
“I understand, Mistress. Thank you for this opportunity,” Eina said quietly, doing her best to keep her posture appropriate next to the Matriarch, who comported herself as though she were in fact the reigning queen of Alhamkara. Eina supposed that within the harem at least, that might be true.
“You can thank me with impeccable service to our guests,” the Matriarch replied quietly. “Now then, allow me to show you the gardens. You will learn them as though they are the back of your paw so as to-” The Matriarch paused and looked out over the seating of the harem. After a second of silence she inclined her head politely towards a guest on the other side of the amphitheater. “Follow me, Eina. Speak only when spoken to and do not under any circumstances fail at the curtsey you were taught just now.”
It had felt like an eternity since Eina’s fight or flight response had engaged, sometime in a past life perhaps, but it came roaring back with a vengeance at the Matriarch’s words and tone. She’d been nothing but serious since Eina had met her, but there always seemed to be an underlying satisfaction and love for her job in everything she said and did. That levity was utterly gone, though her polite, welcoming smile remained as she led Eina around the circle to the stairway nearest the individual who had made eye contact with her. The man in question was a jackal with a serious face, dressed in royal purple with silver trim. She understood immediately as the Matriarch bent at the knee before him and lowered her head. “How may I be of service to you this evening, Lord Torando?”
The jackal looked past her and met Eina’s eyes instead, his gaze scrutinous and cold. She just barely managed to dip into a curtsey herself, not trusting herself to speak in his presence. “So, you are her? I expected to have to find you myself. She will accompany me to my private room,” the jackal said in an authoritarian, quiet tone. The Matriarch attempted to intervene.
“My Lord, she has only just joined us here and has not yet been trained to provide service in keeping with your status. Might I perhaps interest you in-”
“Last I checked, Matriarch, I remain betrothed to your princess, the Lady Keiko. She will accompany me, and I will not have you questioning my intentions again,” Tornado responded, his voice not allowing any compromise. “I know your rules. That you would consider me the type of person to break them is… insulting.”
Eina tried to keep herself from fainting, wondering if her heart and other organs would withstand the stress as the Matriarch salvaged the situation, bowing low to Torando with the same, pleasant smile on her face.
“It was never my intention to imply such a thing, Lord Torando. Please accept my humblest apologies as well as a bottle or box from the palaces reserves with my compliments,” she offered. He accepted the olive branch in keeping with diplomacy, though his expression did not mellow.
“Scotch. Second era, azure infused.”
“Would your lordship prefer Sunrise Distillery or Chateau Antares?”
“Antares,” the jackal replied immediately before standing from his seat, turning several eyes as he did so. Those eyes included two of the Sekhama, having recently entered the harem via the front entrance. “I will receive it when I am finished with her.”
“As you wish, Lord Torando,” the Matriarch replied, glancing once at Octavia and his rookie before turning to Eina. “It is a great honor to be requested by such a man. See to his every need.”
It wasn’t particularly difficult to interpret the Matriarch’s words as Eina curtseyed once more in due reverence. “It is my pleasure and honor to serve you this evening, Lord Torando. My name is Eina.”
“Come,” the jackal commanded with a snap of his fingers, leading her up the stairs and away from the central amphitheater. The Matriarch did not linger either, walking her way calmly to the nearest server and whispering something into her ear. That young woman stopped by a guard on her way back to the kitchens and conveyed the message, ensuring that Lord Torando would be ‘trusted but verified’ that evening. Meanwhile, Spot stood rooted to the ground as the woman he thought dead instead glanced his way for a fleeting second, just recognizing his face before being spirited away down the corridor to the wing of the harem that contained the baths and, among other destinations, Lord Torando’s personal quarters for the duration of his stay at the palace.
“Don’t so much as even follow her with your eyes,” Octavia growled threateningly, his hand on Spot’s shoulder as the rookie fought back his desire to move, to sprint. Stupid, youthful passions boiled to the surface as he realized that even without his arms and armor he could easily kill Torando. He wasn’t dumb enough to believe he’d survive the attempt however. The flame burned out just as quick as it had come, and he hung his shoulders instead. Octavia didn’t have the heart to tell him to not wear his emotions on his sleeve inside the harem. Not even he was that callous. “The Wise Ones seem content to both give and take away this evening,” he observed quietly as the Matriarch, no longer instructing her newest serving girl, slowly made her way over to them.
“I guess that’s what you meant by remembering my place?” Spot asked. The lion nodded.
“Our delights are their table scraps,” Idris confirmed as the Matriarch of the harem stood before them.
“Waxing poetic again, Idris?” she asked knowingly, offering him a fond smile before turning to Spot. “And this one was on the ground tonight?”
“He was. He was also the one who received your newest serving girl at the gates before her stint with Doctor Oswald,” Octavia supplied. If the Matriarch was moved by that tidbit of information she chose not to show it.
“I see. I trust you will enjoy what we have to offer here as much as your brothers,” she replied. “You have a name?”
“Spot,” the rookie replied, looking between her and Octavia as he pulled a blank.
“Spot? I’ll remember it. You may refer to me either as Matriarch or Mistress, my dear,” she clarified. “Might I suggest the baths? The Sekhama always seem to enjoy them.” He nodded, swallowed, and gave her her due in as level a voice as he could manage given how much life had thrown at him in the prior day.
“Thank you for welcoming me, Matriarch. If it’s all the same to you I think I’d like some fresh air. It smells a bit strongly in here,” he excused himself. It was true that the air smelled of azure, tobacco, jasmine, and other flowers, but she recognized the statement for what it was, glancing back at Octavia with an approving cock of her brow.
“The gardens are open to you, Spot. Enjoy your time here,” she offered, watching as the rookie turned and saluted Octavia silently, a hand over his heart, before beginning his walk around the central room, scrutinized by almost every pair of eyes in the place.
“Mmm, look at him, even keeping his back straight,” the hyena noted approvingly before turning back to Octavia. “Now, what’s got you so eager to see me, Idris, other than the obvious?”
“By humanity, I missed you,” he replied, a twang of need in his voice. She picked up on it immediately and placed her hand on his upper arm before escorting him towards the same corridor Torando has disappeared through minutes before. On the way she signaled one of her more seasoned staff and conveyed a handful of instructions to her. She crooned seductively at him. “There, now I can give you my full attention this evening.”
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[OC] Chronicles of the Siren War [Chapter 67]

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A/N: Please consider supporting my writing efforts on Patreon. You can follow this story and be alerted when new chapters release via
“I think I preferred the driving rain,” Thorson muttered to himself. He was a cramping, sweating mess by the time he reached the shrine atop the hill behind his base. Flickering flames within lanterns of stone greeted him and lit his path to the final set of stairs, flanked by the bold, red pillars of the Torii gate that, as Yamashiro had explained to him one day, separated the realm of the living from the realm of the gods. “No disrespect, but I have no time to stand on ceremony.”
The man took the stone steps two at a time until he reached the apex, the yellow and orange light of flame replaced by a calming, blue glow, its brightness a sad reminder of how many had been lost already after only half a year of war. It was easy enough to spot the cubes that belonged to Hornet, though they were not the bright yellow that Enterprise described at dinner. Instead they had faded significantly, looking more like dim sunlight. As Thorson drew closer he could swear that he felt something from them, but the nature of wisdom cubes never seemed to settle on one given explanation or mode of operation. He brushed against Yorktown’s first, bowing respectfully. As his fingertips glided over the smooth surface, a certain peace descended upon him. “I see. To fight at both Coral Sea and Midway like that and care for them both for so long? Rest easy then, Yorktown. Hammann will miss you, but I think she will understand in the end. We’ll take care of Enterprise. As for you-”
Thorson almost jumped as he laid his hands on Hornet’s last vestiges in the mortal world. His heart pounded and breathing quickened as Midway flashed before his eyes again, the sky utterly black and reaching out for him, or perhaps for her. So much remained obscure. As a mere human, shrouded in the fog of war, he called out anyway as he’d done for Arizona. You aren’t forgotten. I’m here, and so is Enterprise. Hold your ground. We’re coming. A small part of him expected Hornet to reply, in spite of everything that shouldn’t have been so. The maelstrom didn’t die down, but there was enough. She was there. She was fighting… something. “Good. I need another carrier and Enterprise can’t lose both her sisters in one day.”
By the time Thorson arrived back at the docks, hundreds of men of all rank had assembled outside the labs. His fleet was keeping them at bay, but after his disruption there was no way everyone was about to go back to fighting, eating, and drinking. “Shift your sorry asses!” Tennessee demanded, striding forward and clearing a path for him. They stood nose to nose. “Andrew?”
“It’s bad, Tenn. Something’s trying to take her.”
“You’re sure?” she growled ominously. He shook his head.
“About as sure as I can be about a nightmare the morning after… just dust and echoes,” Thorson admitted. Tennessee looked the cubes over. She was no expert either, but they weren’t normal. That much was plain to see.
“Then let’s get her out of there. Penny, the cat, and Enterprise are inside. We kept everyone else out, including the Fleet Admiral,” she reported proudly, adjusting her leather gloves as though challenging him to tell her she’d done wrong. Thorson wasted no time, taking in her vibrant eyes and nodding approvingly. She stood aside and allowed him to pass through a group of sailors who were all from the Hornet. As he passed they all removed their caps and bowed solemnly, a move that left many in Thorson’s fleet, especially those from the Union, scratching their heads. He recognized a few of them as willing participants in the boxing ring.
“I’ll do what I can, thank you,” he said simply, calling out to Arizona before disappearing inside. “Arizona, come with me.”
“Yes sir,” she replied immediately, placing a hand on Yukikaze’s shoulder. “Wait here, sweetie.”
“None shall pass, nanoda!” the neko insisted as the battleship and commander headed inside the eerily silent and cavernous labs, made unsettling by the lack of occupants save Enterprise, Akashi, and Pennsylvania, who awaited them at the matrix.
“Everything is prepared, sir,” Penny assured him, gesturing to a fully loaded hopper full of wisdom cubes. Thorson nodded and turned to Enterprise.
“She is fighting something or someone in there. Get in there and pull her out. Tell her to imagine her ship as she always wanted, not as it was,” he ordered. Enterprise looked hesitantly at the machine. Pennsylvania shook her head impatiently.
“Act now or lose her forever. Go, flattop!”
Enterprise found no comfort in Thorson either, whose stoic expression beckoned her to act. Arizona smiled faintly in support but said nothing. “I… alright.” With a deep, shuddering breath, Enterprise stepped into one of the two chambers, with Thorson placing Hornet’s cubes in the other and immediately beginning the fill cycle with Akashi’s help. The minty kitty scampered off to oversee the dry dock outside while Thorson and the two Pennsylvania class sisters remained. The moment the matrix activated was evident, the water stabilizing unnaturally as the question of Hornet’s life hung solely on her older sister.
“Can I ask you something, Arizona?” Thorson whispered, taking her by the hand. Pennsylvania turned her head their way, allowing him to grasp hers as well. He was shaking.
“Of course, Andrew,” the battleship replied in her gentle voice.
“In the time it took us to come for you, I know you said you don’t recall much but… do you remember anything distinct?”
“What do you mean?”
“Anything alive, anything acting with intent, anything other than Penny or myself calling out to you?”
“I hate it when you start talking about this occult, mumbo jumbo shit,” Pennsylvania groused. He looked an apology her way.
“Sorry, Penny.”
“You don’t need to be, just keep it between us,” she replied as Arizona smiled at them. Hornet’s cubes had begun floating lazily in the matrix, though the pained look of exertion on Enterprise’s face was not comforting.
“I’m sorry, Andrew, I simply don’t know,” Arizona replied. “I didn’t even know how long I was out.”
“No, it’s my fault for asking you to explain purgatory,” Thorson muttered bitterly before returning his attention to the matrix. “She’s having trouble.”
The Pennsylvania class sisters couldn’t help but agree with Thorson’s evaluation. Enterprise was twisting and thrashing within her ‘cell’, and the ominous feeling he’d received from Hornet’s cubes atop the shrine was practically visible. But for whatever trials the Yorktown class sisters were facing, something had to have been going right as Akashi burst in through the side door along with her bulin crew. Shiranui floated in tow, ever peaceful and seemingly uninterested.
“Shikikan, the keel is here!” Akashi announced excitedly, heralding an absolute cacophony of noise as Hornet’s surviving crew, almost three thousand men strong, began shouting and cheering. If anything, it answered the question of why it had taken so long to feed everyone. Were he not absorbed with an operation that defied the known laws of science and even mortality, Thorson would have made a mental note to send Admiral Nimitz a bill.
“Well, I guess she always was a bit of a favorite,” Pennsylvania said, her tone a mixture of regret, aloofness, and maybe even a bit of jealousy. Outside, the chant of Maru! Maru! Grew only louder as the wisdom cubes placed into the conductive matrix slowly faded out of existence one by one and a new Union carrier willed itself into existence in a gory but resplendent process. Thorson breathed a sigh of relief, watching as Enterprise’s difficulties seemed to subside and Hornet’s new body took shape before them in concurrence with her hull outside. Pennsylvania rendered her judgment on the effort as Hornet’s long, blonde hair formed itself into twintails that draped forward over her breasts as she floated serenely within the matrix. Her crew had not shut up the entire time. “I don’t think she could have done it alone, Commander.”
“It’s a good thing she wasn’t alone then,” Thorson agreed as the machine finally finished its work and began draining at the behest of Enterprise, Hornet, or both. To his surprise, it was the naked, reborn Hornet who cradled her sister’s exhausted body as they stepped out of the matrix, not the other way around.
“Enty, Enty! We’re out. We’re back. Oh man, Enty, why did you face it down alone?!” Hornet demanded. Her sister smiled through tears as Pennsylvania clapped Thorson on the shoulder and headed for the exits.
“I’ll keep them at bay, but don’t keep them waiting,” she advised, speaking of Hornet’s crew as Thorson knelt beside the two carriers with Arizona.
“Who are you, Commander?” Hornet demanded, ignoring clothing herself in favor of supporting Enterprise.
“Commander Thorson, head of the fleet that defeated the Sakura battlegroup at Midway and the one who spoke to you recently, before your sister. What the hell happened in there?” he demanded gently.
“That idiot decided to face down cosmic darkness with her bare fists because she doesn’t even have rigging and she’s an idiot!” Hornet explained without explaining anything, holding Enterprise tightly to her new body and ensuring the two of them were alive and well. Satisfied as the older sister nodded silently against Hornet’s shoulder, Thorson helped the two of them to their feet where she turned her back and focused, finally, on an outfit to cover her body. Instead of her usual swim top and high cut shorts, she fashioned herself a black dress with yellow trim and thin straps around the shoulders, showing off her upper back, shoulders, and arms before deciding on elbow length black gloves and matching thigh high stockings to round out the look. A large, vicious looking hornet glowed at the base of her neck, confirming to Thorson that she’d picked up rigging in the process. “Ah, perfect! Now if you’ll excuse me Commander, allow me to do you a favor and shut those idiots up,” she giggled, placing a kiss on Enterprise’s cheek before entrusting her sister to Thorson and Arizona. The moment she stepped outside it sounded like a bomb went off. When Thorson rejoined the rest of his fleet soon after, he couldn’t help but wonder exactly when the ‘shutting up’ was supposed to occur.
“Burnside, you look like shit! Who gave you that black eye? Tennessee did? What the hell did you do? Oh whatever, get over here!” Hornet shouted, placing a kiss on the sailor’s cheek before moving onto the next and next after that. Her crew was positively elated to have their ‘Horny Maru’ back, and she was drinking it all in, a literal savior returned from the dead. Each crewman, after greeting her, hustled on board the new ship, excited to acquaint themselves with the new and upgraded war machine that Hornet herself had branded CV-12. Only when Hornet came face to face with her captain did the gaggle of sailors finally fall silent.
“I don’t care how nice it is watching you go. You’d best not leave again,” he insisted, embracing her like a daughter as she finally allowed the waterworks to flow.
“Cap, not in front of the boys.”
“Sod the boys, Hornet. We all thought we’d lost you forever,” he said quietly.
“I’m glad to say that’s apparently not how shipgirls like me work,” she responded, squeezing him tight before taking a step back and looking him up and down as he did the same. “Do you think they’re going to reassign me?”
“Let’s talk about that another time, Hornet. You’ll always be welcome at our home.”
“You sap. Say hello to the missus for me then if you take off without me. I can’t imagine not having you on the boat.”
“It’s your boat now, I’d say,” Mitscher replied, turning his gaze to her mint condition hull and gleaming AA guns. Several B-25s and other aircraft already lined the decks. “I’ll ask the Commander and his frankly adorable wait staff if they have more coffee. Something tells me it’s going to be a long night.”
“Damn right it is!” Hornet announced, turning to the remainder of her crew with a brilliant smile. “Now who else needs a kiss? If you try for the lips I’ll end you!”
Thorson turned to Enterprise, who he and Arizona were collectively supporting as all watching the raucous reunion. “You did what you needed to do,” he assured her. She shook her head.
“No, sir. The things I need to do have only just begun.”
“Nnnh, huh? Five more minutes, sis,” Hornet requested, her long, blonde hair an absolute rat’s nest as she struggled to wake up. Unfamiliar surroundings and a sinfully soft bed tried to keep her where she was, courtesy of the Union dormitory on base. Enterprise chuckled quietly but refused to leave.
“You wouldn’t be like this if you hadn’t stayed up all night with your crew, Hornet.”
“Look, I just came back from the dead, ok? They deserved it,” she insisted, sitting up and letting the sheets fall from her body. “Hey Enty, do you think there’s a chance we could get Yorktown back too?”
“I already asked,” the silver-haired elder replied. “Commander Thorson believes she’s already gone to rest, and not whatever it was that happened to you and that awful thing. He meant a peaceful rest. After everything that happened to her at Coral Sea and Midway… I’m not sure.”
The two women remained silent for a moment, eventually interrupted by a polite tapping at the second floor window that overlooked the Sakura dormitories, just several yards away. Grim, Yorktown’s constant companion, could be seen waiting politely to be allowed in. Enterprise did so as Hornet shook off her sleepiness and hopped out of bed, searching around for her clothes. When she only found a form-fitting party dress, she sighed and did her best to bring her old outfit into existence. When that failed, she checked her drawers and found they were already there. With a relieved sigh she slipped on the short shorts and tied her top together behind her neck. She was just in time, as Cleveland bust into the room in her usual chipper mood.
“Hey, good to see you two are up. Big E, the Commander asked to see you at the radio tower. That’s where his office is. Hornet, you wanna tag along for breakfast?”
“Let me just get my hair under control,” the carrier laughed, brandishing a brush before looking at the mirror on top of her dresser. “Damn, you guys did a bang up job furnishing this place. You want it second? Your hair is looking a bit frazzled too. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?”
“More like the wrong side of Thorson’s bed,” Cleveland replied confidently, causing Enterprise to straighten her spine like a telephone pole and Hornet to gasp open mouthed. The light cruiser giggled. “What? You thought he only sleeps with the Sakura boats? Uses his mighty manhood to subjugate the enemy and turn them into his willing servants? Thorson’s just a young man is all. Besides, I was his first so there’s no way I’m giving up that title. Oh my god, I love screwing with you guys so much. Yorktown-class needs to learn to loosen up. Hurry so we can go eat, Hornet!”
“I’ll be leaving to find the Commander then,” Enterprise said stiffly, reaching up a finger to stroke Grim’s head as the eagle leered at Cleveland and Hornet. The younger carrier leaned close and whispered to Cleveland as her sister left.
“That was all a joke to get at Enty, right? You don’t actually-”
“Oh I never said it was a joke, just that I was screwing with you two. Thanks!” Cleveland said, snatching the brush and quickly taming her strawberry blonde hair. “Not that I have anything against Ark Royal, but it’ll be damn good to have some Union airpower around here. Ready to go?”
Hornet watched her for a long moment, utterly dumbfounded. “So you… have sex with Commander Thorson?”
“I’d say half the base does, yeah,” Cleveland replied. “Oddly enough I don’t think Portland’s jumped on it yet. Maybe she’s worried their kids wouldn’t look like Indy!”
“Is he good?” Hornet had to ask, now that it was just the two of them and her rather prim and important elder sister was out of the room. Cleveland winked at her, pleased with her hair as she flicked it about.
“Why do you think half the base is sleeping with him?”
“Good morning, Enterprise. How are you?” Thorson asked. The kansen saluted and he returned it professionally, showing no signs of weariness after a midnight romp or two with Cleveland.
“I’m well, sir. I believe my sister will be joining your fleet for breakfast,” she replied, meeting Ark Royal’s eyes. The Royal carrier had been asked for by Thorson that morning as well.
“I don’t want to keep either of you from breakfast for very long, but I figured you might wish to do this in private,” Thorson explained, opening a desk drawer and withdrawing a handful of wisdom shards, which he placed on the rough wooden surface. “Your rigging, Enterprise. Choose whichever you think suits you best.”
“I’ll be like Hornet?” she asked for clarity. During her raging all-nighter with her crew, Hornet had, of course, busted out her new rigging to show off to her crew. Two had been sent to the infirmary with bruising as her large flight deck knocked them to the ground and another handful had mild concussions from when she’d begun launching replica B-25s indoors. They’d all considered it a hell of a good time. Thorson exhaled patiently.
“With all appropriate consideration for a girl just come back from the beyond, I hope you’re a bit more careful with it than Hornet,” he said. She smiled at that.
“I think I can do that, sir. Let’s see then.” Enterprise quieted and furrowed her brow as she contemplated the shining, faintly glowing pieces before her. “Will they compel me to serve you?”
Thorson looked at Ark Royal, who shrugged silently. “I’ve never had anyone ask me that. I don’t think so, Enterprise. I can certainly think of more than a handful of kansen on this base who would slug me if I asked them to do any number of things. I consider the effects more subtle. Perhaps an alignment of desires or interests? I’m not sure. I don’t even know what a wisdom cube is made of.”
“I suppose that’s fair,” Enterprise agreed, taking two shards for herself and inhaling sharply as her body responded to them. Her flight deck, even larger than Hornet’s rested on her left hip as opposed to the right. In an interesting turn of events that Thorson likened to Laffey’s main battery pistols, the carrier also saw fit to arm herself, a mighty compound bow appearing in her right hand that featured a replica of her command tower as an arrow rest and grip. She shook her head and looked around her, taking the new additions in with a mixture of wonder and scientific intent. “This is… unexpected.”
“How so?” Thorson wondered.
“I can’t quite say. My apologies,” Enterprise responded, realizing she’d essentially waved off his question. “I just feel different… fundamentally. If I am someday able to place the sensation I’ll let you know, sir.”
“That’s all I ask. We have larger considerations than the nature of wisdom cubes unfortunately, as we always seem to. Ark Royal, I cannot sing your praises loudly enough. You’re the reason the Union even has a chance to obtain victory in the Pacific and the reason we suffered no significant casualties at Midway. However, I have no doubt that upon hearing of your exploits Queen Elizabeth and Warspite will summon you to defend the home front.”
“So you want me to train my replacements,” she deduced easily enough. Thorson grinned at her.
“I want you to beat them into the ground until they can stand against you on their own. The entirety of the base’s facilities will be open to you, Hornet, and Enterprise to conduct exercises as you see fit this week. That time period is subject to change depending on the whims of Union high command, but Fleet Admiral Nimitz seems content to give us at least that much time. Enterprise, you and your sister are to learn to fight like Ark Royal as you see fit. Every one of my ships has chosen to abandon her crew in favor of full control over her vessel; however I feel that is partially due to the questionable relationship between many Union kansen and their crews before Pearl Harbor. In one of our first engagements I helped Laffey reload one of her torpedo tubes while she re-armed the rest. There is precedent for human and kansen crews working together on a single vessel, but you must be capable of operating your hull completely independently by week end. That includes all elements of navigation, arming and launching aircraft, barrier projection, and so on.”
“Barrier projection?” Enterprise asked in confusion. Instead of replying, Thorson grabbed the unused ashtray on his desk and flung it at her. Grim squawked indignantly and made to take flight, but the woman flinched and conjured a shimmering blue barrier around her at the last moment, sending the ceramic tray clattering to the ground. Ark Royal chuckled at the scene while Thorson pre-empted Enterprise’s reply.
“Indianapolis and South Dakota have the strongest defensive abilities in my fleet. Seek them out if you need guidance. I don’t want to give you or Hornet orders that are too precise because I’ve never had to deal with kansen that actually have constructive relationships with their crew before. My only requirement, as I said, is your developing the skills necessary to tangle with Akagi and Kaga on their own terms… and perhaps Zuikaku and Shoukaku. They remain a wildcard in this game.”
“It will be done, sir. Was there anything else?” Enterprise wondered. Thorson shook his head.
“No, only to ask Hatsuharu if you prefer your tea or coffee prepared lightly. Yuugure tends to brew it stronger. I think it matches their personalities. I eagerly await whatever systems you and Hornet are able to develop. Please convey my orders to her. I’ll check in with you both each evening. There are private rooms within the Sakura dormitories for such purposes.”
“Understood. With your permission?”
“Of course. I’ve kept you both here long enough. Let’s go grab ourselves something to eat, shall we?” Thorson proposed, leading the way out and allowing Enterprise to strike up conversation with Ark Royal.
“What was it like, fighting them directly? I was rearming when they attacked us and my pilots were in the main attacking force,” Enterprise asked of the combat veteran. The Royal rested a hand against the handle of her pistol that she kept strapped to her hip at all times.
“Their pride and confidence are matched only by their power,” Ark replied with the typical gravitas of her countrymen. “But they lost.”
“That is certainly one way of looking at it,” Enterprise agreed, allowing Grim to fly off to stretch his wings and search out his own breakfast in the early morning skies and sea. “Anything else I should know?”
“I don’t want to be a downer, Enterprise, but I am a third party to all of this so I feel comfortable saying so. On this base the battleships are in charge because they’ve earned it in blood. They allowed themselves to be beaten to hell and back in exchange for getting the whole fleet close enough to strike the deathblow. They don’t trust you and they don’t like you. Keep your head down and prove yourself if you ever wish to command them,” Ark advised. The silver-haired kansen frowned and mulled over her words for some time as they walked down to the docks. Hornet’s new hull had already been moved from dry dock to the bay, and Akashi could be seen milling around with her crew of bulins. They all waved and smiled at her, a sharp contrast from the battleships Ark had been referring to.
“Is that what you did, Ark Royal?”
The Royal carrier reflected on her journey from biplanes and scout aircraft to fleets of ground based aircraft capable of crushing entire squadrons of enemy Zeros. “No. I didn’t lead anyone to greatness. I was dragged into it by the Knight Commander and the others.”
“Which reminds me,” Thorson cut in from ahead of them, having remained within earshot all the while. “If the Union refuses, I intend to see the Queen herself shower you with medals. I’m thinking toast and eggs today. Best decide for yourself, Enterprise. It’s not polite to keep Shiratsuyu and the others waiting.”
And so Enterprise abandoned complicated thoughts of her past and future, conflict and leadership, with what she would request for breakfast from a handful of cute, animal-eared, Sakura kansen. It was easier and far more comfortable than dealing with the perception that with Yorktown gone she was the figurehead of the Union fleets, especially since in the world she’d been thrust into no one seemed to want her as such. As they stepped through the doors to the mess hall, Hornet called out to her from where she was seated with California and Cleveland, along with many of the other Union kansen. “Sis, you gotta try the French toast!”
“Go on then, it starts now,” Ark encouraged in a motherly tone. Enterprise nodded.
“You aren’t joining us?”
“I have others who require my attention,” she replied as Kisaragi got up from her seat and stumbled clumsily over to them.
“Auntie Ark, come eat with Kisaragi?”
“Mmh, right away sweetie. What are you having today?”
“Kisaragi likes rice for breakfast!”
“Alright, but you’re going to try one new thing today for me, ok? Maybe some eggs,” the carrier insisted, picking up the tiny neko destroyer, giving her a kiss on the cheek, and walking over to the Sakura table where Shiranui and the elder shrine maidens were watching over the burgeoning fleet of pre-teen and child kansen that now included many of Yukikaze’s sisters. If anything, the scene served to demonstrate for Enterprise that there was quite a bit about her new home that she did not understand in the slightest.
“This is… this is bullshit! I watched her die! I watched Akagi-sama kill her with a torpedo!” Hiryuu exclaimed in frustration and disbelief. Holding onto the side railing of the Akashi to support her still weakened body, the younger member of the second carrier division watched helplessly as Hornet began her first day of combat drills with her rigging alongside Enterprise and the rest of her crew. The first B-25 she produced and launched via catapult tore apart before reaching the end of the runway, and the second simply careened off the flight deck and into the ocean. That didn’t change the fact that the spunky, twin-tailed blonde was alive and kicking, not to mention improving as she circled up with her surviving pilots and mechanics on deck. Soryuu watched from just behind her sister, arms folded across her chest as she remained well aware of South Dakota and Minneapolis’ eyes on them.
“Your language is unbecoming of your status as a member of the second carrier division, Hiryuu,” she scolded, taking one of Hiryuu’s ears and tugging on it just hard enough to cause her gross discomfort.
“Ow ow ow, hey! What’s that for?” Hiryuu protested.
“First, for your foul mouth. Second, to confirm for myself that we are not dead or in some sort of dream. To think that we did battle with a man who can command the dead… under certain circumstances at least.”
“She looks pretty lively to me,” Hiryuu groused as Hornet tried her fighters instead. The first Hellcat spluttered out after gliding for several dozen yards. The second, however, managed to launch and fly under its own power. It exploded when it attempted to fire on Ark Royal’s aircraft, of course, but progress was progress and the cheering of Hornet’s crew could be heard easily from the docks. “How the hell are we supposed to fight that?”
“An excellent question, sister, one that many of our comrades apparently decided to skirt altogether in favor of joining him,” Soryuu pointed out. Hiryuu whipped her head around to glare at her in horror.
“You can’t possibly be considering-”
“I am considering everything, Hiryuu, as should you; including the possibility that Akagi-sama and Kaga-sama may have led us astray,” Soryuu admitted with great sadness, a soft salt breeze ruffling her long, cobalt hair. “I do not think they would do so purposefully, but even the strong can be blinded by love.”
Hiryuu blinked and looked at the deck, unable to come up with any sort of reply to her sister’s lamentations. She could barely appreciate the fact that they were still prisoners, much less what came after that. But such things had always been Soryuu’s forte. Hiryuu just hoped she would be able to fight again. “So what do we do, nee-san?” she asked.
“I don’t know, Hiryuu. I don’t know.”
"I see the life of a prisoner suits you to an extent."
Soryuu cursed herself for letting the warm water and secluded area get to her. It was possible to forget the fact that Colorado was watching her, looking for any excuse to start blasting, but Commander Thorson's towel-clad form was more difficult. She adjusted the towel that she'd wrapped around her body, well aware that in exchange for concealing her breasts, she was exposing much of her lower body. At least it was underwater and evening.
"Do you have need of me, Union Commander?" She asked neutrally. "I suppose I don't technically have a choice, but I don't wish to join Yamashiro or Fusou as one of your consorts."
"I thought we'd been over this, Soryuu,” he replied with little emotion, sitting next to her.
“And yet here you are,” she shot back without hesitation. He nodded.
“True, but you strike me as the sort of person who should only be dealt with when they’re most vulnerable. Naked, alone, and watched over by a Colorado class battleship counts as far as I’m concerned. Now, what’s the status of the other prisoners?”
“What’s to stop me from lying to you?” she riddled. He smirked right back at her.
“The fact that I’ll always believe my own kansen over you. Tell it true or tell me to leave.”
“You first,” she insisted, lifting her hands from the water to tend to her voluminous bun that was keeping her hair out of the water. Lantern light and natural starlight glinted off the droplets running down her limbs as Thorson reaffirmed his belief that the kansen had to have been partially created by the will of man himself. Normal women did not possess sexually attractive armpits, but there she was showing off just that. “What is it you want from me other than to leer at my body like a wolf?”
“In short, I want four carriers when I move to finish this war. But I have doubts you’ll ever join me. Until then, I want to ensure that the prisoners are being kept accordance with common decency. I have a vested interest in not having any revolts or other incidents.”
“That is reasonable,” Soryuu admitted. “None of the humans have been aboard. Akashi and the others under your command have seen to that. We have been given the same food as your soldiers. We have been kept under constant guard. We have not been attacked. Jintsuu remains more defiant than even I, but the rest… Suzuya and Kongou are in mourning. Nagara is confused and afraid. My sister is constantly testing the limits of her cage-”
“She’ll be best friends with Downes and Tennessee if you decide to join us, I’m sure of that,” Thorson agreed.
“You say it as though it is so easy,” Soryuu accused.
“In my experience it has been,” he shrugged. The lapine carrier sighed heavily.
“They all look to me for answers I cannot provide, guidance I don’t have.” Thorson’s expression softened as Soryuu finally vented to someone who really didn’t have to care.
“That sounds difficult,” he remarked, looking over at her. He watched as her eyes examined his torso critically and then easily moved elsewhere.
“It does not help that I now know the truth of Akagi and Kaga’s failing,” Soryuu said, quieter still. “All that they have sacrificed to bring back Amagi-sama, and you raise the dead with a snap of your fingers.”
“Only the dead who wish to return and I can somehow reach… or in Hornet’s case, her sister reached out to her. I’m not whatever it is you think I am.”
“No, certainly not. But whatever you are is enough to make me question everything, up to including whether or not I should sacrifice the rest of my honor, bed you, and kill you.”
“Those are some tough questions!” Thorson laughed with little concern, finally breaking through Soryuu’s analytical shell and eliciting true surprise from the rabbit morph. “What’s with that look? I’m already on borrowed time near as I can tell. I could have easily died at Pearl Harbor or in any of the battles since. Making love with you as my final act in this world wouldn’t be the worst way to go.”
“You disgust me,” she spat.
“I probably do. If something changes with the condition of the prisoners, please inform me or one of the guards. We’ll keep doing what we can for Hiei. I hear she’s able to eat again.”
“Rice porridge for now, but yes. Good evening, enemy commander.”
Thorson stood and nodded his head, figuring progress was progress. Even if she only ever called him that, he had an avenue to ensure his imprisoned kansen didn’t disrupt his entire operation. “Yes, good evening to you as well, Sakura.”
“Mein Kommandant?” Zed requested, knocking on Thorson’s door before sliding it slowly open. He still resided in the Sakura dormitories, more out of a need to keep a closer tab on them than anything else. He beckoned her inside.
“I was just reviewing Rear Admiral Spruance’s after-action report for Midway. I suspect Hornet might be the first kansen ever awarded the Medal of Honor. What can I do for you?”
“I have a report here from Frau Brooklyn regarding our most pressing supply needs. We’ve been assured that Captain Stevens is on his way, but there are longer term considerations like parts for power generators and cooking equipment,” she explained. He extended his hand and she offered him the papers which were promptly placed on his desk. He offered and took her hand next.
“And you, Zed? Things have been a bit hectic around here and I’m sorry for neglecting you,” he apologized as she blushed crimson. Nevertheless she slowly walked forward and sat in his lap.
“I believe Laffey and Javelin would not approve, Kommandant,” she whispered. “But I am well. Maryland has taken me under her wing, so to speak. Much of my time not spent with Laffey or Javelin is with her and her sisters. They are experts at ballistics and I feel I’ve learned quite a bit from them.”
“I’m glad, Zed. And it looks like you made a little change,” he remarked, noticing a stud in her left ear in the shape of the Iron Cross. “Our proud resident Ironblood.”
“Please Kommandant!” she gasped, turning away as electricity might as well have arced between them. There was no turning back when he cupped her cheek and brushed the new piercing with his finger.
“You’ve come so far,” he remarked proudly, quietly, as her eyes closed and she collapsed forward against his lips. The scrawny, frightened, malnourished girl he’d pulled from the ocean was no more. A young woman’s pert body filled out her skin tight undergarments instead. Feeling her new curves made his blood race. It was clear she felt the same.
“Mein Kommandant… I would like to go farther still.”
Thorson met her eyes as they pulled apart after their kiss, lips crackling with anticipation. “I’m not going to stop you, Zed.”
Under the protection of night and the blanket of his futon, Thorson and Zed clasped their hands together, kissing and tugging and pulling and pressing until every awful memory of the war was forced away, replaced by breathy moans, inscrutable pleasure, and the most carnal and irrevocable proof that even kansen who once flew the dreaded banner of Ironblood had a place in Azur Lane and, if they chose, at his side.
“Andrew, Ich liebe dich…”
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BEE MOVIE (part one). I guess, I've never watched it.....

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway. Because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.” SEQ. 75 - “INTRO TO BARRY” INT. BENSON HOUSE - DAY ANGLE ON: Sneakers on the ground. Camera PANS UP to reveal BARRY BENSON’S BEDROOM ANGLE ON: Barry’s hand flipping through different sweaters in his closet. BARRY Yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black, yellow black...oohh, black and yellow... ANGLE ON: Barry wearing the sweater he picked, looking in the mirror. BARRY (CONT’D) Yeah, let’s shake it up a little. He picks the black and yellow one. He then goes to the sink, takes the top off a CONTAINER OF HONEY, and puts some honey into his hair. He squirts some in his mouth and gargles. Then he takes the lid off the bottle, and rolls some on like deodorant. CUT TO: INT. BENSON HOUSE KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Barry’s mother, JANET BENSON, yells up at Barry. JANET BENSON Barry, breakfast is ready! CUT TO: "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 1. INT. BARRY’S ROOM - CONTINUOUS BARRY Coming! SFX: Phone RINGING. Barry’s antennae vibrate as they RING like a phone. Barry’s hands are wet. He looks around for a towel. BARRY (CONT’D) Hang on a second! He wipes his hands on his sweater, and pulls his antennae down to his ear and mouth. BARRY (CONT'D) Hello? His best friend, ADAM FLAYMAN, is on the other end. ADAM Barry? BARRY Adam? ADAM Can you believe this is happening? BARRY Can’t believe it. I’ll pick you up. Barry sticks his stinger in a sharpener. SFX: BUZZING AS HIS STINGER IS SHARPENED. He tests the sharpness with his finger. SFX: Bing. BARRY (CONT’D) Looking sharp. ANGLE ON: Barry hovering down the hall, sliding down the staircase bannister. Barry’s mother, JANET BENSON, is in the kitchen. JANET BENSON Barry, why don’t you use the stairs? Your father paid good money for those. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 2. BARRY Sorry, I’m excited. Barry’s father, MARTIN BENSON, ENTERS. He’s reading a NEWSPAPER with the HEADLINE, “Queen gives birth to thousandtuplets: Resting Comfortably.” MARTIN BENSON Here’s the graduate. We’re very proud of you, Son. And a perfect report card, all B’s. JANET BENSON (mushing Barry’s hair) Very proud. BARRY Ma! I’ve got a thing going here. Barry re-adjusts his hair, starts to leave. JANET BENSON You’ve got some lint on your fuzz. She picks it off. BARRY Ow, that’s me! MARTIN BENSON Wave to us. We’ll be in row 118,000. Barry zips off. BARRY Bye! JANET BENSON Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! CUT TO: SEQ. 750 - DRIVING TO GRADUATION EXT. BEE SUBURB - MORNING A GARAGE DOOR OPENS. Barry drives out in his CAR. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 3. ANGLE ON: Barry’s friend, ADAM FLAYMAN, standing by the curb. He’s reading a NEWSPAPER with the HEADLINE: “Frisbee Hits Hive: Internet Down. Bee-stander: “I heard a sound, and next thing I knew...wham-o!.” Barry drives up, stops in front of Adam. Adam jumps in. BARRY Hey, Adam. ADAM Hey, Barry. (pointing at Barry’s hair) Is that fuzz gel? BARRY A little. It’s a special day. Finally graduating. ADAM I never thought I’d make it. BARRY Yeah, three days of grade school, three days of high school. ADAM Those were so awkward. BARRY Three days of college. I’m glad I took off one day in the middle and just hitchhiked around the hive. ADAM You did come back different. They drive by a bee who’s jogging. ARTIE Hi Barry! BARRY (to a bee pedestrian) Hey Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. Barry and Adam drive from the suburbs into the city. ADAM Hey, did you hear about Frankie? "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 4. BARRY Yeah. ADAM You going to his funeral? BARRY No, I’m not going to his funeral. Everybody knows you sting someone you die, you don’t waste it on a squirrel. He was such a hot head. ADAM Yeah, I guess he could’ve just gotten out of the way. The DRIVE through a loop de loop. BARRY AND ADAM Whoa...Whooo...wheee!! ADAM I love this incorporating the amusement park right into our regular day. BARRY I guess that’s why they say we don’t need vacations. CUT TO: SEQ. 95 - GRADUATION EXT. GRADUATION CEREMONY - CONTINUOUS Barry and Adam come to a stop. They exit the car, and fly over the crowd to their seats. * BARRY * (re: graduation ceremony) * Boy, quite a bit of pomp...under * the circumstances. * They land in their seats. BARRY (CONT’D) Well Adam, today we are men. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 5. ADAM We are. BARRY Bee-men. ADAM Amen! BARRY Hallelujah. Barry hits Adam’s forehead. Adam goes into the rapture. An announcement comes over the PA. ANNOUNCER (V.O) Students, faculty, distinguished bees...please welcome, Dean Buzzwell. ANGLE ON: DEAN BUZZWELL steps up to the podium. The podium has a sign that reads: “Welcome Graduating Class of:”, with train-station style flipping numbers after it. BUZZWELL Welcome New Hive City graduating class of... The numbers on the podium change to 9:15. BUZZWELL (CONT’D) ...9:15. (he clears his throat) And that concludes our graduation ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industries. BARRY Are we going to pick our job today? ADAM I heard it’s just orientation. The rows of chairs change in transformer-like mechanical motion to Universal Studios type tour trams. Buzzwell walks off stage. BARRY (re: trams) Whoa, heads up! Here we go. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 6. SEQ. 125 - “FACTORY” FEMALE VOICE (V.O) Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. (in Spanish) Dejen las manos y antennas adentro del tram a todos tiempos. BARRY I wonder what it’s going to be like? ADAM A little scary. Barry shakes Adam. BARRY AND ADAM AAHHHH! The tram passes under SIGNS READING: “Honex: A Division of Honesco: A Part of the Hexagon Group.” TRUDY Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco, and a part of the Hexagon group. BARRY This is it! The Honex doors OPEN, revealing the factory. BARRY (CONT’D) Wow. TRUDY We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. Honey begins when our valiant pollen jocks bring the nectar to the hive where our top secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent adjusted and bubble contoured into this... Trudy GRABS a TEST TUBE OF HONEY from a technician. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 7. TRUDY (CONT’D) ...soothing, sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow, you all know as... EVERYONE ON THE TRAM (in unison) H-o-n-e-y. Trudy flips the flask into the crowd, and laughs as they all scramble for it. ANGLE ON: A GIRL BEE catching the honey. ADAM (sotto) That girl was hot. BARRY (sotto) She’s my cousin. ADAM She is? BARRY Yes, we’re all cousins. ADAM Right. You’re right. TRUDY At Honex, we also constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence. These bees are stress testing a new helmet technology. ANGLE ON: A STUNT BEE in a HELMET getting hit with a NEWSPAPER, then a SHOE, then a FLYSWATTER. He gets up, and gives a “thumb’s up”. The graduate bees APPLAUD. ADAM (re: stunt bee) What do you think he makes? BARRY Not enough. TRUDY And here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 8. BARRY Wow, what does that do? TRUDY Catches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it. Saves us millions. ANGLE ON: The Krelman machine. Bees with hand-shaped hats on, rotating around a wheel to catch drips of honey. Adam’s hand shoots up. ADAM Can anyone work on the Krelman? TRUDY Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones. But bees know that every small job, if it’s done well, means a lot. There are over 3000 different bee occupations. But choose carefully, because you’ll stay in the job that you pick for the rest of your life. The bees CHEER. ANGLE ON: Barry’s smile dropping slightly. BARRY The same job for the rest of your life? I didn’t know that. ADAM What’s the difference? TRUDY And you’ll be happy to know that bees as a species haven’t had one day off in 27 million years. BARRY So you’ll just work us to death? TRUDY (laughing) We’ll sure try. Everyone LAUGHS except Barry. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 9. The tram drops down a log-flume type steep drop. Cameras flash, as all the bees throw up their hands. The frame freezes into a snapshot. Barry looks concerned. The tram continues through 2 doors. FORM DISSOLVE TO: SEQ. 175 - “WALKING THE HIVE” INT. HONEX LOBBY ANGLE ON: The log-flume photo, as Barry looks at it. ADAM Wow. That blew my mind. BARRY (annoyed) “What’s the difference?” Adam, how could you say that? One job forever? That’s an insane choice to have to make. ADAM Well, I’m relieved. Now we only have to make one decision in life. BARRY But Adam, how could they never have told us that? ADAM Barry, why would you question anything? We’re bees. We’re the most perfectly functioning society on Earth. They walk by a newspaper stand with A SANDWICH BOARD READING: “Bee Goes Berserk: Stings Seven Then Self.” ANGLE ON: A BEE filling his car’s gas tank from a honey pump. He fills his car some, then takes a swig for himself. NEWSPAPER BEE (to the bee guzzling gas) Hey! Barry and Adam begin to cross the street. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 10. BARRY Yeah but Adam, did you ever think that maybe things work a little too well around here? They stop in the middle of the street. The traffic moves perfectly around them. ADAM Like what? Give me one example. BARRY (thinks) ...I don’t know. But you know what I’m talking about. They walk off. SEQ. 400 - “MEET THE JOCKS” SFX: The SOUND of Pollen Jocks. PAN DOWN from the Honex statue. J-GATE ANNOUNCER Please clear the gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach. Royal Nectar Force on approach. BARRY Wait a second. Check it out. Hey, hey, those are Pollen jocks. ADAM Wow. FOUR PATROL BEES FLY in through the hive’s giant Gothic entrance. The Patrol Bees are wearing fighter pilot helmets with black visors. ADAM (CONT’D) I’ve never seen them this close. BARRY They know what it’s like to go outside the hive. ADAM Yeah, but some of them don’t come back. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 11. The nectar from the pollen jocks is removed from their backpacks, and loaded into trucks on their way to Honex. A SMALL CROWD forms around the Patrol Bees. Each one has a PIT CREW that takes their nectar. Lou Loduca hurries a pit crew along: LOU LODUCA You guys did great! You’re monsters. You’re sky freaks! I love it! I love it! SCHOOL GIRLS are jumping up and down and squealing nearby. BARRY I wonder where those guys have just been? ADAM I don’t know. BARRY Their day’s not planned. Outside the hive, flying who-knows-where, doing who-knows-what. ADAM You can’t just decide one day to be a Pollen Jock. You have to be bred for that. BARRY Right. Pollen Jocks cross in close proximity to Barry and Adam. Some pollen falls off, onto Barry and Adam. BARRY (CONT’D) Look at that. That’s more pollen than you and I will ever see in a lifetime. ADAM (playing with the pollen) It’s just a status symbol. I think bees make too big a deal out of it. BARRY Perhaps, unless you’re wearing it, and the ladies see you wearing it. ANGLE ON: Two girl bees. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 12. ADAM Those ladies? Aren’t they our cousins too? BARRY Distant, distant. ANGLE ON: TWO POLLEN JOCKS. JACKSON Look at these two. SPLITZ Couple of Hive Harrys. JACKSON Let’s have some fun with them. The pollen jocks approach. Barry and Adam continue to talk to the girls. GIRL 1 It must be so dangerous being a pollen jock. BARRY Oh yeah, one time a bear had me pinned up against a mushroom. He had one paw on my throat, and with the other he was slapping me back and forth across the face. GIRL 1 Oh my. BARRY I never thought I’d knock him out. GIRL 2 (to Adam) And what were you doing during all of this? ADAM Obviously I was trying to alert the authorities. The girl swipes some pollen off of Adam with a finger. BARRY (re: pollen) I can autograph that if you want. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 13. JACKSON Little gusty out there today, wasn’t it, comrades? BARRY Yeah. Gusty. BUZZ You know, we’re going to hit a sunflower patch about six miles from here tomorrow. BARRY Six miles, huh? ADAM (whispering) Barry. BUZZ It’s a puddle-jump for us. But maybe you’re not up for it. BARRY Maybe I am. ADAM (whispering louder) You are not! BUZZ We’re going, oh-nine hundred at JGate. ADAM (re: j-gate) Whoa. BUZZ (leaning in, on top of Barry) What do you think, Buzzy Boy? Are you bee enough? BARRY I might be. It all depends on what oh-nine hundred means. CUT TO: SEQ. 450 - “THE BALCONY” "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 14. INT. BENSON HOUSE BALCONY - LATER Barry is standing on the balcony alone, looking out over the city. Martin Benson ENTERS, sneaks up behind Barry and gooses him in his ribs. MARTIN BENSON Honex! BARRY Oh, Dad. You surprised me. MARTIN BENSON (laughing) Have you decided what you’re interested in, Son? BARRY Well, there’s a lot of choices. MARTIN BENSON But you only get one. Martin LAUGHS. BARRY Dad, do you ever get bored doing the same job every day? MARTIN BENSON Son, let me tell you something about stirring. (making the stirring motion) You grab that stick and you just move it around, and you stir it around. You get yourself into a rhythm, it’s a beautiful thing. BARRY You know dad, the more I think about it, maybe the honey field just isn’t right for me. MARTIN BENSON And you were thinking of what, making balloon animals? That’s a bad job for a guy with a stinger. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 15. BARRY Well no... MARTIN BENSON Janet, your son’s not sure he wants to go into honey. JANET BENSON Oh Barry, you are so funny sometimes. BARRY I’m not trying to be funny. MARTIN BENSON You’re not funny, you’re going into honey. Our son, the stirrer. JANET BENSON You’re going to be a stirrer?! BARRY No one’s listening to me. MARTIN BENSON Wait until you see the sticks I have for you. BARRY I can say anything I want right now. I’m going to get an ant tattoo. JANET BENSON Let’s open some fresh honey and celebrate. BARRY Maybe I’ll pierce my thorax! MARTIN BENSON (toasting) To honey! BARRY Shave my antennae! JANET BENSON To honey! "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 16. BARRY Shack up with a grasshopper, get a gold tooth, and start calling everybody “Dawg.” CUT TO: SEQ. 760 - “JOB PLACEMENT” EXT. HONEX LOBBY - CONTINUOUS ANGLE ON: A BEE BUS STOP. One group of bees stands on the pavement, as another group hovers above them. A doubledecker bus pulls up. The hovering bees get on the top level, and the standing bees get on the bottom. Barry and Adam pull up outside of Honex. ADAM I can’t believe we’re starting work today. BARRY Today’s the day. Adam jumps out of the car. ADAM (O.C) Come on. All the good jobs will be gone. BARRY Yeah, right... ANGLE ON: A BOARD READING: “JOB PLACEMENT BOARD”. Buzzwell, the Bee Processor, is at the counter. Another BEE APPLICANT, SANDY SHRIMPKIN is EXITING. SANDY SHRIMPKIN Is it still available? BUZZWELL Hang on. (he looks at changing numbers on the board) Two left. of them’s yours. Congratulations Son, step to the side please. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 17. SANDY SHRIMPKIN Yeah! ADAM (to Sandy, leaving) What did you get? SANDY SHRIMPKIN Picking the crud out. That is stellar! ADAM Wow. BUZZWELL (to Adam and Barry) Couple of newbies? ADAM Yes Sir. Our first day. We are ready. BUZZWELL Well, step up and make your choice. ANGLE ON: A CHART listing the different sectors of Honex. Heating, Cooling, Viscosity, Krelman, Pollen Counting, Stunt Bee, Pouring, Stirrer, Humming, Regurgitating, Front Desk, Hair Removal, Inspector No. 7, Chef, Lint Coordinator, Stripe Supervisor, Antennae-ball polisher, Mite Wrangler, Swatting Counselor, Wax Monkey, Wing Brusher, Hive Keeper, Restroom Attendant. ADAM (to Barry) You want to go first? BARRY No, you go. ADAM Oh my. What’s available? BUZZWELL Restroom attendant is always open, and not for the reason you think. ADAM Any chance of getting on to the Krelman, Sir? BUZZWELL Sure, you’re on. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 18. He plops the KRELMAN HAT onto Adam’s head. ANGLE ON: The job board. THE COLUMNS READ: “OCCUPATION” “POSITIONS AVAILABLE”, and “STATUS”. The middle column has numbers, and the right column has job openings flipping between “open”, “pending”, and “closed”. BUZZWELL (CONT’D) Oh, I’m sorry. The Krelman just closed out. ADAM Oh! He takes the hat off Adam. BUZZWELL Wax Monkey’s always open. The Krelman goes from “Closed” to “Open”. BUZZWELL (CONT’D) And the Krelman just opened up again. ADAM What happened? BUZZWELL Well, whenever a bee dies, that’s an opening. (pointing at the board) See that? He’s dead, dead, another dead one, deady, deadified, two more dead. Dead from the neck up, dead from the neck down. But, that’s life. ANGLE ON: Barry’s disturbed expression. ADAM (feeling pressure to decide) Oh, this is so hard. Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer, humming, inspector no. 7, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, antenna-ball polisher, mite wrangler-- Barry, Barry, what do you think I should-- Barry? Barry? "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 19. Barry is gone. CUT TO: SEQ. 775 - “LOU LODUCA SPEECH” EXT. J-GATE - SAME TIME Splitz, Jackson, Buzz, Lou and two other BEES are going through final pre-flight checks. Barry ENTERS. LOU LODUCA Alright, we’ve got the sunflower patch in quadrant nine. Geranium window box on Sutton Place... Barry’s antennae rings, like a phone. ADAM (V.O) What happened to you? Where are you? Barry whispers throughout. BARRY I’m going out. ADAM (V.O) Out? Out where? BARRY Out there. ADAM (V.O) (putting it together) Oh no. BARRY I have to, before I go to work for the rest of my life. ADAM (V.O) You’re going to die! You’re crazy! Hello? BARRY Oh, another call coming in. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 20. ADAM (V.O) You’re cra-- Barry HANGS UP. ANGLE ON: Lou Loduca. LOU LODUCA If anyone’s feeling brave, there’s a Korean Deli on 83rd that gets their roses today. BARRY (timidly) Hey guys. BUZZ Well, look at that. SPLITZ Isn’t that the kid we saw yesterday? LOU LODUCA (to Barry) Hold it son, flight deck’s restricted. JACKSON It’s okay Lou, we’re going to take him up. Splitz and Jackson CHUCKLE. LOU LODUCA Really? Feeling lucky, are ya? A YOUNGER SMALLER BEE THAN BARRY, CHET, runs up with a release waiver for Barry to sign. CHET Sign here. Here. Just initial that. Thank you. LOU LODUCA Okay, you got a rain advisory today and as you all know, bees cannot fly in rain. So be careful. As always, (reading off clipboard) watch your brooms, hockey sticks, dogs, birds, bears, and bats. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 21. Also, I got a couple reports of root beer being poured on us. Murphy’s in a home because of it, just babbling like a cicada. BARRY That’s awful. LOU LODUCA And a reminder for all you rookies, bee law number one, absolutely no talking to humans. Alright, launch positions! The Jocks get into formation, chanting as they move. LOU LODUCA (CONT’D) Black and Yellow! JOCKS Hello! SPLITZ (to Barry) Are you ready for this, hot shot? BARRY Yeah. Yeah, bring it on. Barry NODS, terrified. BUZZ Wind! - CHECK! JOCK #1 Antennae! - CHECK! JOCK #2 Nectar pack! - CHECK! JACKSON Wings! - CHECK! SPLITZ Stinger! - CHECK! BARRY Scared out of my shorts - CHECK. LOU LODUCA Okay ladies, let’s move it out. Everyone FLIPS their goggles down. Pit crew bees CRANK their wings, and remove the starting blocks. We hear loud HUMMING. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 22. LOU LODUCA (CONT'D) LOU LODUCA (CONT’D) Pound those petunia's, you striped stem-suckers! All of you, drain those flowers! A FLIGHT DECK GUY in deep crouch hand-signals them out the archway as the backwash from the bee wings FLUTTERS his jump suit. Barry follows everyone. SEQ. 800 - “FLYING WITH THE JOCKS” The bees climb above tree tops in formation. Barry is euphoric. BARRY Whoa! I’m out! I can’t believe I’m out! So blue. Ha ha ha! (a beat) I feel so fast...and free. (re: kites in the sky) Box kite! Wow! They fly by several bicyclists, and approach a patch of flowers. BARRY (CONT'D) Flowers! SPLITZ This is blue leader. We have roses visual. Bring it around thirty degrees and hold. BARRY (sotto) Roses. JACKSON Thirty degrees, roger, bringing it around. Many pollen jocks break off from the main group. They use their equipment to collect nectar from flowers. Barry flies down to watch the jocks collect the nectar. JOCK Stand to the side kid, it’s got a bit of a kick. The jock fires the gun, and recoils. Barry watches the gun fill up with nectar. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 23. BARRY Oh, that is one Nectar Collector. JOCK You ever see pollination up close? BARRY No, Sir. He takes off, and the excess pollen dust falls causing the flowers to come back to life. JOCK (as he pollinates) I pick some pollen up over here, sprinkle it over here, maybe a dash over there, pinch on that one...see that? It’s a little bit of magic, ain’t it? The FLOWERS PERK UP as he pollinates. BARRY Wow. That’s amazing. Why do we do that? JOCK ...that’s pollen power, Kid. More pollen, more flowers, more nectar, more honey for us. BARRY Cool. The Jock WINKS at Barry. Barry rejoins the other jocks in the sky. They swoop in over a pond, kissing the surface. We see their image reflected in the water; they’re really moving. They fly over a fountain. BUZZ I’m picking up a lot of bright yellow, could be daisies. Don’t we need those? SPLITZ Copy that visual. We see what appear to be yellow flowers on a green field. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 24. They go into a deep bank and dive. BUZZ Hold on, one of these flowers seems to be on the move. SPLITZ Say again...Are you reporting a moving flower? BUZZ Affirmative. SEQ. 900 - “TENNIS GAME” The pollen jocks land. It is a tennis court with dozens of tennis balls. A COUPLE, VANESSA and KEN, plays tennis. The bees land right in the midst of a group of balls. KEN (O.C) That was on the line! The other bees start walking around amongst the immense, yellow globes. SPLITZ This is the coolest. What is it? They stop at a BALL on a white line and look up at it. JACKSON I don’t know, but I’m loving this color. SPLITZ (smelling tennis ball) Smells good. Not like a flower. But I like it. JACKSON Yeah, fuzzy. BUZZ Chemical-y. JACKSON Careful, guys, it’s a little grabby. Barry LANDS on a ball and COLLAPSES. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 25. BARRY Oh my sweet lord of bees. JACKSON Hey, candy brain, get off there! Barry attempts to pulls his legs off, but they stick. BARRY Problem! A tennis shoe and a hand ENTER FRAME. The hand picks up the ball with Barry underneath it. BARRY (CONT'D) Guys! BUZZ This could be bad. JACKSON Affirmative. Vanessa walks back to the service line, BOUNCES the ball. Each time it BOUNCES, the other bees cringe and GASP. ANGLE ON: Barry, terrified. Pure dumb luck, he’s not getting squished. BARRY (with each bounce) Very close...Gonna Hurt...Mamma’s little boy. SPLITZ You are way out of position, rookie. ANGLE ON: Vanessa serving. We see Barry and the ball up against the racket as she brings it back. She tosses the ball into the air; Barry’s eyes widen. The ball is STRUCK, and the rally is on. KEN Coming in at you like a missile! Ken HITS the ball back. Barry feels the g-forces. ANGLE ON: The Pollen Jocks watching Barry pass by them in SLOW MOTION. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 26. BARRY (in slow motion) Help me! JACKSON You know, I don't think these are flowers. SPLITZ Should we tell him? JACKSON I think he knows. BARRY (O.S) What is this?! Vanessa HITS a high arcing lob. Ken waits, poised for the return. We see Barry having trouble maneuvering the ball from fatigue. KEN (overly confident) Match point! ANGLE ON: Ken running up. He has a killer look in his eyes. He’s going to hit the ultimate overhead smash. KEN (CONT'D) You can just start packing up Honey, because I believe you’re about to eat it! ANGLE ON: Pollen Jocks. JACKSON Ahem! Ken is distracted by the jock. KEN What? No! He misses badly. The ball rockets into oblivion. Barry is still hanging on. ANGLE ON: Ken, berating himself. KEN (CONT’D) Oh, you cannot be serious. We hear the ball WHISTLING, and Barry SCREAMING. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 27. BARRY Yowser!!! SEQ. 1000 - “SUV” The ball flies through the air, and lands in the middle of the street. It bounces into the street again, and sticks in the grille of an SUV. INT. CAR ENGINE - CONTINUOUS BARRY’S POV: the grille of the SUV sucks him up. He tumbles through a black tunnel, whirling vanes, and pistons. BARRY AHHHHHHHHHHH!! OHHHH!! EECHHH!! AHHHHHH!! Barry gets chilled by the A/C system, and sees a frozen grasshopper. BARRY (CONT’D) (re: grasshopper) Eww, gross. CUT TO: INT. CAR - CONTINUOUS The car is packed with a typical suburban family: MOTHER, FATHER, eight-year old BOY, LITTLE GIRL in a car seat and a GRANDMOTHER. A big slobbery DOG is behind a grate. Barry pops into the passenger compartment, hitting the Mother’s magazine. MOTHER There’s a bee in the car! They all notice the bee and start SCREAMING. BARRY Aaahhhh! Barry tumbles around the car. We see the faces from his POV. MOTHER Do something! "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 28. FATHER I’m driving! Barry flies by the little girl in her CAR SEAT. She waves hello. LITTLE GIRL Hi, bee. SON He’s back here! He’s going to sting me! The car SWERVES around the road. Barry flies into the back, where the slobbery dog SNAPS at him. Barry deftly avoids the jaws and gross, flying SPITTLE. MOTHER Nobody move. If you don’t move, he won’t sting you. Freeze! Everyone in the car freezes. Barry freezes. They stare at each other, eyes going back and forth, waiting to see who will make the first move. Barry blinks. GRANNY He blinked! Granny pulls out a can of HAIR SPRAY. SON Spray him, Granny! Granny sprays the hair spray everywhere. FATHER What are you doing? GRANNY It’s hair spray! Extra hold! MOTHER Kill it! Barry gets sprayed back by the hair spray, then sucked out of the sunroof. CUT TO: "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 29. EXT. CITY STREET - CONTINUOUS BARRY Wow. The tension level out here is unbelievable. I’ve got to get home. As Barry flies down the street, it starts to RAIN. He nimbly avoids the rain at first. BARRY (CONT’D) Whoa. Whoa! Can’t fly in rain! Can’t fly in rain! Can’t fly in-- A couple of drops hit him, his wings go limp and he starts falling. BARRY (CONT'D) Mayday! Mayday! Bee going down! Barry sees a window ledge and aims for it and just makes it. Shivering and exhausted, he crawls into an open window as it CLOSES. SEQ. 1100 - “VANESSA SAVES BARRY” INT. VANESSA’S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Inside the window, Barry SHAKES off the rain like a dog. Vanessa, Ken, Andy, and Anna ENTER the apartment. VANESSA Ken, can you close the window please? KEN Huh? Oh. (to Andy) Hey, check out my new resume. I made it into a fold-out brochure. You see? It folds out. Ken holds up his brochure, with photos of himself, and a resume in the middle. ANGLE ON: Barry hiding behind the curtains, as Ken CLOSES THE WINDOW. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 30. BARRY Oh no, more humans. I don’t need this. Barry HOVERS up into the air and THROWS himself into the glass. BARRY (CONT’D) (dazed) Ow! What was that? He does it again, and then multiple more times. BARRY (CONT'D) Maybe this time...this time, this time, this time, this time, this time, this time, this time. Barry JUMPS onto the drapes. BARRY (CONT'D) (out of breath) Drapes! (then, re: glass) That is diabolical. KEN It’s fantastic. It’s got all my special skills, even my top ten favorite movies. ANDY What’s your number one? Star Wars? KEN Ah, I don’t go for that, (makes Star Wars noises), kind of stuff. ANGLE ON: Barry. BARRY No wonder we’re not supposed to talk to them. They’re out of their minds. KEN When I walk out of a job interview they’re flabbergasted. They can’t believe the things I say. Barry looks around and sees the LIGHT BULB FIXTURE in the middle of the ceiling. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 31. BARRY (re: light bulb) Oh, there’s the sun. Maybe that’s a way out. Barry takes off and heads straight for the light bulb. His POV: The seventy-five watt label grows as he gets closer. BARRY (CONT’D) I don’t remember the sun having a big seventy five on it. Barry HITS the bulb and is KNOCKED SILLY. He falls into a BOWL OF GUACAMOLE. Andy dips his chip in the guacamole, taking Barry with it. ANGLE ON: Ken and Andy. KEN I’ll tell you what. You know what? I predicted global warming. I could feel it getting hotter. At first I thought it was just me. Barry’s POV: Giant human mouth opening. KEN (CONT’D) Wait! Stop! Beeeeeee! ANNA Kill it! Kill it! They all JUMP up from their chairs. Andy looks around for something to use. Ken comes in for the kill with a big TIMBERLAND BOOT on each hand. KEN Stand back. These are winter boots. Vanessa ENTERS, and stops Ken from squashing Barry. VANESSA (grabs Ken’s arm) Wait. Don’t kill him. CLOSE UP: on Barry’s puzzled face. KEN You know I’m allergic to them. This thing could kill me. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 32. VANESSA Why does his life have any less value than yours? She takes a GLASS TUMBLER and places it over Barry. KEN Why does his life have any less value than mine? Is that your statement? VANESSA I’m just saying, all life has value. You don’t know what he’s capable of feeling. Barry looks up through the glass and watches this conversation, astounded. Vanessa RIPS Ken’s resume in half and SLIDES it under the glass. KEN (wistful) My brochure. There’s a moment of eye contact as she carries Barry to the window. She opens it and sets him free. VANESSA There you go, little guy. KEN (O.C) I’m not scared of them. But, you know, it’s an allergic thing. ANDY (O.C) * Hey, why don’t you put that on your * resume-brochure? * KEN (O.C) It’s not funny, my whole face could puff up. ANDY (O.C) Make it one of your “Special Skills.” KEN (O.C) You know, knocking someone out is also a special skill. CUT TO: "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 33. EXT. WINDOWSILL - CONTINUOUS Barry stares over the window frame. He can’t believe what’s just happened. It is still RAINING. DISSOLVE TO: SEQ. 1200 - “BARRY SPEAKS” EXT. WINDOWSILL - LATER Barry is still staring through the window. Inside, everyone’s saying their good-byes. KEN Vanessa, next week? Yogurt night? VANESSA Uh, yeah sure Ken. You know, whatever. KEN You can put carob chips on there. VANESSA Good night. KEN (as he exits) Supposed to be less calories, or something. VANESSA Bye. She shuts the door. Vanessa starts cleaning up. BARRY I’ve got to say something. She saved my life. I’ve got to say something. Alright, here it goes. Barry flies in. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 34. INT. VANESSA’S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUS Barry hides himself on different PRODUCTS placed along the kitchen shelves. He hides on a Bumblebee Tuna can, and a “Greetings From Coney Island” MUSCLE-MAN POSTCARD on the fridge. BARRY (on fridge) What would I say? (landing on a bottle) I could really get in trouble. He stands looking at Vanessa. BARRY (CONT'D) It’s a bee law. You’re not supposed to talk to a human. I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’ve got to. Oh, I can’t do it! Come on! No, yes, no, do it! I can’t. How should I start it? You like jazz? No, that’s no good. Here she comes. Speak, you fool. As Vanessa walks by, Barry takes a DEEP BREATH. BARRY (CONT’D) (cheerful) Umm...hi. Vanessa DROPS A STACK OF DISHES, and HOPS BACK. BARRY (CONT’D) I’m sorry. VANESSA You’re talking. BARRY Yes, I know, I know. VANESSA You’re talking. BARRY I know, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. VANESSA It’s okay. It’s fine. It’s just, I know I’m dreaming, but I don’t recall going to bed. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 35. BARRY Well, you know I’m sure this is very disconcerting. VANESSA Well yeah. I mean this is a bit of a surprise to me. I’re a bee. BARRY Yeah, I am a bee, and you know I’m not supposed to be doing this, but they were all trying to kill me and if it wasn’t for you...I mean, I had to thank you. It’s just the way I was raised. Vanessa intentionally JABS her hand with a FORK. VANESSA Ow! BARRY That was a little weird. VANESSA (to herself) I’m talking to a bee. BARRY Yeah. VANESSA I’m talking to a bee. BARRY Anyway... VANESSA And a bee is talking to me... BARRY I just want you to know that I’m grateful, and I’m going to leave now. VANESSA Wait, wait, wait, wait, how did you learn to do that? BARRY What? "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 36. VANESSA The talking thing. BARRY Same way you did, I guess. Mama, Dada, honey, you pick it up. VANESSA That’s very funny. BARRY Yeah. Bees are funny. If we didn’t laugh, we’d cry. With what we have to deal with. Vanessa LAUGHS. BARRY (CONT’D) Anyway. VANESSA Can I, uh, get you something? BARRY Like what? VANESSA I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know. Coffee? BARRY Well, uh, I don’t want to put you out. VANESSA It’s no trouble. BARRY Unless you’re making anyway. VANESSA Oh, it takes two minutes. BARRY Really? VANESSA It’s just coffee. BARRY I hate to impose. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 37. VANESSA Don’t be ridiculous. BARRY Actually, I would love a cup. VANESSA Hey, you want a little rum cake? BARRY I really shouldn’t. VANESSA Have a little rum cake. BARRY No, no, no, I can’t. VANESSA Oh, come on. BARRY You know, I’m trying to lose a couple micrograms here. VANESSA Where? BARRY Well... These stripes don’t help. VANESSA You look great. BARRY I don’t know if you know anything about fashion. Vanessa starts POURING the coffee through an imaginary cup and directly onto the floor. BARRY (CONT'D) Are you alright? VANESSA No. DISSOLVE TO: SEQ. 1300 - “ROOFTOP COFFEE” "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 38. EXT. VANESSA’S ROOF - LATER Barry and Vanessa are drinking coffee on her roof terrace. He is perched on her keychain. BARRY ...He can’t get a taxi. He’s making the tie in the cab, as they’re flying up Madison. So he finally gets there. VANESSA Uh huh? BARRY He runs up the steps into the church, the wedding is on... VANESSA Yeah? BARRY ...and he says, watermelon? I thought you said Guatemalan. VANESSA Uh huh? BARRY Why would I marry a watermelon? Barry laughs. Vanessa doesn’t. VANESSA Oh! Is that, uh, a bee joke? BARRY Yeah, that’s the kind of stuff that we do. VANESSA Yeah, different. A BEAT. VANESSA (CONT’D) So anyway...what are you going to do, Barry? "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 39. BARRY About work? I don’t know. I want to do my part for the hive, but I can’t do it the way they want. VANESSA I know how you feel. BARRY You do? VANESSA Sure, my parents wanted me to be a lawyer or doctor, but I wanted to be a florist. BARRY Really? VANESSA My only interest is flowers. BARRY Our new queen was just elected with that same campaign slogan. VANESSA Oh. BARRY Anyway, see there’s my hive, right there. You can see it. VANESSA Oh, you’re in Sheep Meadow. BARRY (excited) Yes! You know the turtle pond? VANESSA Yes? BARRY I’m right off of that. VANESSA Oh, no way. I know that area. Do you know I lost a toe-ring there once? BARRY Really? "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 40. VANESSA Yes. BARRY Why do girls put rings on their toes? VANESSA Why not? BARRY I don’t know. It’s like putting a hat on your knee. VANESSA Really? Okay. A JANITOR in the background changes a LIGHTBULB. To him, it appears that Vanessa is talking to an imaginary friend. JANITOR You all right, ma’am? VANESSA Oh, yeah, fine. Just having two cups of coffee. BARRY Anyway, this has been great. (wiping his mouth) Thanks for the coffee. Barry gazes at Vanessa. VANESSA Oh yeah, it’s no trouble. BARRY Sorry I couldn’t finish it. Vanessa giggles. BARRY (CONT'D) (re: coffee) If I did, I’d be up the rest of my life. Ummm. Can I take a piece of this with me? VANESSA Sure. Here, have a crumb. She takes a CRUMB from the plate and hands it to Barry. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 41. BARRY (a little dreamy) Oh, thanks. VANESSA Yeah. There is an awkward pause. BARRY Alright, well then, I guess I’ll see you around, or not, or... VANESSA Okay Barry. BARRY And thank you so much again, for before. VANESSA Oh that? BARRY Yeah. VANESSA Oh, that was nothing. BARRY Well, not nothing, but, anyway... Vanessa extends her hand, and shakes Barry’s gingerly. The Janitor watches. The lightbulb shorts out. The Janitor FALLS. CUT TO: SEQ. 1400 - “HONEX” INT. HONEX BUILDING - NEXT DAY ANGLE ON: A TEST BEE WEARING A PARACHUTE is in a wind tunnel, hovering through increasingly heavy wind. SIGNS UNDER A FLASHING LIGHT READ: “Test In Progress” & “Hurricane Survival Test”. 2 BEES IN A LAB COATS are observing behind glass. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 42. LAB COAT BEE 1 This can’t possibly work. LAB COAT BEE 2 Well, he’s all set to go, we may as well try it. (into the mic) Okay Dave, pull the chute. The test bee opens his parachute. He’s instantly blown against the rear wall. Adam and Barry ENTER. ADAM Sounds amazing. BARRY Oh, it was amazing. It was the scariest, happiest moment of my life. ADAM Humans! Humans! I can’t believe you were with humans! Giant scary humans! What were they like? BARRY Huge and crazy. They talk crazy, they eat crazy giant things. They drive around real crazy. ADAM And do they try and kill you like on TV? BARRY Some of them. But some of them don’t. ADAM How’d you get back? BARRY Poodle. ADAM Look, you did it. And I’m glad. You saw whatever you wanted to see out there, you had your “experience”, and now you’re back, you can pick out your job, and everything can be normal. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 43. ANGLE ON: LAB BEES examining a CANDY CORN through a microscope. BARRY Well... ADAM Well? BARRY Well, I met someone. ADAM You met someone? Was she Bee-ish? BARRY Mmm. ADAM Not a WASP? Your parents will kill you. BARRY No, no, no, not a wasp. ADAM Spider? BARRY You know, I’m not attracted to the spiders. I know to everyone else it’s like the hottest thing with the eight legs and all. I can’t get by that face. Barry makes a spider face. ADAM So, who is she? BARRY She’s a human. ADAM Oh no, no, no, no. That didn’t happen. You didn’t do that. That is a bee law. You wouldn’t break a bee law. BARRY Her name’s Vanessa. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 44. ADAM Oh, oh boy! BARRY She’s so-o nice. And she’s a florist! ADAM Oh, no. No, no, no! You’re dating a human florist? BARRY We’re not dating. ADAM You’re flying outside the hive. You’re talking to human beings that attack our homes with power washers and M-80’s. That’s 1/8 of a stick of dynamite. BARRY She saved my life. And she understands me. ADAM This is over. Barry pulls out the crumb. BARRY Eat this. Barry stuffs the crumb into Adam’s face. ADAM This is not over. What was that? BARRY They call it a crumb. ADAM That was SO STINGING STRIPEY! BARRY And that’s not even what they eat. That just falls off what they eat. Do you know what a Cinnabon is? ADAM No. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 45. BARRY It’s bread... ADAM Come in here! BARRY and cinnamon, ADAM Be quiet! BARRY and frosting...they heat it up-- ADAM Sit down! INT. ADAM’S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS BARRY Really hot! ADAM Listen to me! We are not them. We’re us. There’s us and there’s them. BARRY Yes, but who can deny the heart that is yearning... Barry rolls his chair down the corridor. ADAM There’s no yearning. Stop yearning. Listen to me. You have got to start thinking bee, my friend. ANOTHER BEE JOINS IN. ANOTHER BEE Thinking bee. WIDER SHOT AS A 3RD BEE ENTERS, popping up over the cubicle wall. 3RD BEE Thinking bee. EVEN WIDER SHOT AS ALL THE BEES JOIN IN. "Bee Movie" - JS REVISIONS 8/13/07 46. OTHER BEES Thinking bee. Thinking bee. Thinking bee.
submitted by retromod_gamer to teenagers [link] [comments]

[FANFIC] BayMella No More

It was Friday Night Smackdown and the week after Bayley and Sasha humiliated Stephanie Mcmahon in her own office. Bayley was in her own private locker room, which she had requested as part of her deal with Stephanie Mcmahon, with Sasha Banks leant over her knees. Whilst still on her leash, Sasha was actually allowed to wear her attire this week which was at least some sort of positive she could take. She was also allowed her ball gag out as long as she kept quiet like a good girl. However this didn’t mean that Bayley wouldn’t still have her fun. The door opened as Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair entered the locker room with their eyes widened.
“Oh god what has she done this time?” Becky said, still not comfortable with the way Bayley was allowed to treat Sasha.
“My coffee was cold!” Bayley said as she began to spank the boss who yelped with each strike. Becky rolled her eyes as Charlotte seemed to enjoy watching this humiliation. After a moment Becky grabbed Sasha and pulled her off Bayley’s lap.
“Shouldn’t we be focused on our upcoming match at Fastlane!?” Becky said as she looked down at Banks who was holding her sore rear.
“Urgh… I guess” Bayley said. “But come on, I’ve already beaten all four of those idiot sheep before it’s not gonna be that hard. In fact, I just got a little text from my old pal Mella, she’s gonna be here any second. So if you could all go hide in the bathroom while I try to get her on side.” Bayley said as the other looked confused.
But she has humiliated us!” Sasha said before noticing Bayley’s dismay at her talking. Bayley grabbed her cold coffee and threw it over Banks as Charlotte laughed with glee.
“Quiet you ratchet little hoe! Whilst Carmella may be a bitch, she is also a stupid bimbo, so it shouldn’t be that hard to convince her to leave the match and join us.” Bayley retorted.
“So you don’t think we can beat them four on four?” Becky said, confused.
“Of course we can, but this ain’t about no fair fights, this is about taking control of Smackdown and getting that fat assed milf as my pet!” Bayley laughed referring to Stephanie.
“Really, you’re calling someone else a fatass?” Charlotte said with a raised eyebrow as the door knocked.
“Oh shut up, now just get in the bathroom would you? And let the magic happen!” Bayley grinned as Becky and Charlotte went to the bathroom. Flair grabbed Sasha’s waistband and dragged her to the bathroom giving her a big wedgie. Bayley smirked before starting to act natural.
“Come in!” Bayley said as Carmella walked into the room with a slightly nervous look on her face. “Hey Mella!” Bayley said over enthusiastically as she got off her seat and gave the princess of Staten Island a big hug.
“Hey Bay Bay.” Carmella said nervously as she reciprocated.
“You wanted to talk?”
“Yeah, I did actually, you know, you and I, we used to be besties, always hanging out in NXT. And I know we haven't been on the best of terms lately, but…”
“Shhhh!” Bayley said as she pressed a finger to Carmella’s lips. “I know exactly where this is going, you came to apologise! Apologise to me for all that humiliating you put me and Sasha through with that Sassy southern slut Lacey.”
“Urm…” Carmella said confused before her facial expression changed to one of of over enthusiastic joy. “Of Course! Yeah I came to apologize to you! Say where is that pet of yours?” She said looking around.
“Oh, erm, she’s just grabbing me some food from catering, anyways, look Mella, I will graciously accept your apology!” She said as she gave her former friend another embrace. “But…”
“But what?”
“But… you really did cause me alot of embarrassment, and it took all the resilience and roll model in me to look over that as the bigger person, so…” Bayley said as she turned around and began to tug her bottoms down. Carmella’s eyes widened as Bayley revealed her big round booty only covered by a red thong. “You need to make it up to me, by giving this beautiful butt a little kiss.” Bayley grinned as she bent down slightly.
“What?! No! Absolutely… “ Carmella’s look of disgust changed to one menace. “Ok, you know what? Sure it's the least I could do.” She said as she slowly went down to her knees. She slowly placed both her hands on the big booty of Bayley and began to lean in.
“Ah, see, I knew you’d come to your… Ooooh!” Bayley groaned as Carmella swung her arm up into a low blow. Bayley was frozen in a bent over position clutching her crotch in pain as Carmella leant over her and whispered in her ear.
“Silly, silly, Bayley, I didn’t come here to apologise, I came here to tell you that after Fastlane, not only will you be degraded to be a little slutty servant, but you will be mine! Now, let’s give this fatass the beating it's been needing for a while” She laughed evilly as she placed both her hands on Bayley’s rear and pushed the Smackdown women's Champion into the nearby trash can. Bayley squealed and kicked her legs as Carmella picked up her championship belt ready to swing. Suddenly the bathroom door burst open as Charlotte and Becky stormed out and charged the surprised and startled member of Stephanie’s team. As Charlotte charged Carmella sidestepped and tripped the Queen who fell face first between Bayley’s exposed phat asscheeks causing the champion to squeal. Carmella used the title belt in her hands to whip Becky in the midsection. As ‘the man’ groaned and bent over Carmella gave her another lash on the ass causing her to scream in pain. Once Charlotte removed herself from her partner's rear she roared and charged once more only for Carmella to duck and place the belt through the queen's legs and hold it either side. Charlotte gasped and shook her head but it was too late as Carmella grinned and yanked upwards. Flair yelped and squealed as she hopped up and down before clocking her in the back of the head as Charlotte fell on top of Becky with her face resting nicely on the lass kickers irish booty. Carmella was just about to leave until she clocked Sasha Banks standing in the bathroom doorway, leash still attached.
“Hmm, what to do with you.” Carmella contemplated as she circled and looked Banks up and down. “You know what? I’m not even gonna bother, the untouchable one has little time for little slutty slaves, besides I think old kadunkadunk over there has given you enough to worry about, consider this a gift.” Carmella smirked as she began to strut out the room.
Sasha looked around the room, seeing all of the other horsewomen, layed out, and deserved it, treating her like garbage, but there was something that Sasha felt that couldn’t be explained. An unexplainable loyalty to her partners. Sasha took a brief moment before looking back up and charging Carmella. She tackled the blonde to the floor and began tearing at the back of her outfit.
“Ahh! What the hell are you doing?! What is wrong with… Oooohhhh!” Carmella shrieked as Banks had torn through and exposed her plump tanned ass before biting down on it hard. Carmella tried to drag herself to the door before she managed to kick the boss off of her booty. She gasped and looked down behind at the bite mark on her left asscheek.
“You fre…” Carmella couldn't finish as Sasha grabbed her by the hair dunked her head first into the punch bowl on the catering table. She then smashed her face into the big plate of hot dog wieners and when Carmella rose she had a big juicy sausage hanging from her mouth before Sasha slapped it out of her mouth with a big right hand. Sasha then bent Mella over the table and picked up a bottle of hot sauce which she poured over Carmella’s tanned ass. The Princess of Staten Island managed to kick back and hit Sasha between the legs before wedging up the boss’ trunks and tossing her over the locker room couch. Carmella wiped the punch from her eyes before noticing Bayley, Becky, and Charlotte all surrounding her.
“Come on then! I beat all three of you losers just now, I can do it…” Carmella paused as she felt a strange sensation on her butt. Not before long her eyes widened as she began to hop up and down holding her burning ass which was covered in hot sauce. The three horsewomen all laughed and pointed before Becky picked up the fire extinguisher.
“Lets cool this Staten island slut down!” She grinned as she unloaded cold white foam all over the untouchable one as Carmella flailed around before falling prone on the floor, leaving her ass exposed for Becky to hone in on.
“Damn that tanned ass is looking pretty pale!” Charlotte laughed before picking Carmella up and draping her over the high edge of the couch. The queen licked her hand before raining down some spanks as foam flew everywhere. After 10 smacks Bayley pulled Charlotte away before grabbing a big wiener and wedging it between Carmella’s plump buttcheeks which were only protected by a tiny red thong. Carmella squealed and kicked her legs before Bayley pulled her off and hit the Rose Plant on the floor.
“Let’s teach this backstabbing bitch and her team a lesson!” Bayley smirked as her and the other two began to tug off Carmella’s attire until she was completely nude.
“Help!” The three women stopped as they heard a faint cry as they saw Sasha laid out beyond the couch. They looked over and chuckled as the boss was lying under the table with her trunks hooked to one of the corners giving her a big wedgie.
“Stay there for a sec, we need to send a message first.” Bayley smirked as her, Charlotte, and Becky picked up a lifeless Carmella and sat her on a wheeled chair. Charlotte grabbed some duct tape and began to wrap it around her victim’s hands and feet before attaching her to the chair. Charlotte avoided covering Carmella’s big boobs meaning they were accentuated by the tape around them. Bayley and Becky playful jiggle and slapped them whilst chuckling. Once she was fully bound to the chair, Carmella began to stir as Bayley used some lipstick to write the number ‘4’ on her head before writing ‘Staten Island Slut’ across her foe’s boobs.
“Wh… what the? Hey! What the hell?!” Carmella said as she began to hop up and down in the chair as it spun around. The three women laughed as the gap between the bottom and top of the wheeled chair displayed her butt which poked out in between. “Oh you think this is funny huh?! Wait until FastLane! After then I will make your lives miserable living under my rule!” She squealed as she continued to try and break free. Charlotte nodded to Bayley and Becky who held the chair still. “Wh… what are you doing?!” Carmella questioned as Charlotte picked up one of the big wieners which had fallen on the floor.
“Oh Carmella, you always have acted like you have a stick up your ass.” Charlotte grinned before wedging the sausage inbetween Carmella’s asscheeks causing a silent gasp as the tanned blonde victim began to tear up. It was left half hanging out before Becky grabbed another and shoved in the Staten Island Princess’ mouth.
“That should shut you up, you dolled up dope.” Becky added.
“Take her to the main women's locker room! Leave her as an example to anyone who tries to mess with us!” Bayley ordered as Becky and Charlotte wheeled a squealing Carmella out of the private room. Bayley smirked to herself before walking over to Banks and unhooking her tights, which she still used to wedgie Sasha as she helped her to her feet.
“You know what Sasha, good job. Without you that little sheep could’ve gotten the one up on us.” bayley said as she began to unlock the leash around the boss’ neck.
“You… you’re letting me free?” Sasha said confused and relieved.
“Oh god no!” Bayley laughed to Sasha’s dismay. “Rules are rules, but, I think you’ve earned yourself a little reward, and since it’s clear that Stephanie’s team are looking to get the jump on us, I think you should go and visit little miss biscuit butt. What do you say?” Bayley grinned as Sasha was slightly annoyed that she wasn't being set free. However she vividly remembered when Alexa humiliated her a few months back and couldn’t reject the opportunity to add to the humiliations the small blonde had already suffered recently.
“Ok. Fine. Where is that little runt at?”
“Well, according to this…” Bayley grinned as she held up Carmella’s phone. “She’s in catering waiting for Mella to return!” She laughed. “So be a good little slave and go and beat that biscuit booty into submission! Go get ‘em!” Bayley laughed as she gave Sasha’s ass a slap out the locker room as Banks yelped and hopped out the door.
“I love it when a plan comes together!” Bayley said as she picked up Carmella’s red thong and pinged it to the other side of the room.
Thanks for reading everyone and stay tuned for more humiliation Fanfics!
Check out another one of my stories!
If you have any requests or suggestions of women and/ or matchups that you’d like to see feel free to leave a comment.
submitted by JBB14 to WrestlingHumiliation [link] [comments]

Book Review: Thatcher’s Spy: My Life as an MI5 Agent Inside Sinn Féin

Thatcher’s Spy: My Life as an MI5 Agent Inside Sinn Féin (henceforth shortened to “Thatcher’s Spy” because I sure as hell ain’t typing that out over and over again) is a 2019 memoir by Willie Carlin. Its hook that all the advertising hammered in and which the opening emphasizes is that in 1985, Carlin’s “treachery” (I put this in quotations because of reasons I’ll get into) was discovered by a fluke of Cold War spycraft and he was jetted out of town on Thatcher’s private jet before the Provisional IRA could snatch, torture, and kill him and possibly his whole family. However, this close call pales in comparison to the sheer drama of which he partook over his twelve years embedded within Sinn Féin.
Willie Carlin’s background was uniquely suited to his recruitment- he came from a nationalist Catholic family in (London)Derry, but also one with a long history of military service. He enlisted in the British army in the sixties and while his hometown was wrecked by riots, shootings, and terrorism, he was in Germany staring down the Soviets. When he came back home he found that his childhood friends and kin were being murdered by the Royal Ulster Constabulary and/or rioting about it. However, he was also shocked and outraged that “the boys” in the paramilitary gangs were murdering civilians for kicks. At this stage, with about equal reason to support either the British government or the IRA, and with his family as a powerful reason to stay the fuck out of politics altogether, MI5 approached him and asked that he get involved with Sinn Féin. Sinn Féin was either the political arm of the IRA, or the IRA was the armed wing of Sinn Féin, or the two organizations detested each other entirely and could only stand to be in the same room as one another because they both opposed the status quo in more or less the same direction, depending on who you asked and how many bombs had been set off recently and how election season was going.
The British spooks wanted an inside view of how Sinn Féin operated, its intentions, and its intended strategies. The back and forth maneuvering to winkle out IRA membership and find hidden weapons caches and uncover bomb plots in advance was a game for the Army and the police; Carlin’s handlers were strictly focused on the big picture stuff and told him to stay out of anything smacking of violence. Just get involved in the community and see how high up in the ranks you can rise, and clue us in once or twice a week.
Carlin rose very high indeed. Starting as a low level staffer helping his neighbors navigate the Kafkaesque bureaucracy to get much needed benefits, he eventually became a lead electioneering strategist for Sinn Féin and a close confidante of Martin McGuinness.
Thatcher’s Spy is, if taken at face value, a treasure trove of insight into all the sordid details of the Republican side of the Troubles. Also, I am inclined to take it more or less at face value, since in spite of learning all kinds of new facts and shades of interpretation, none of it set off my bullshit detector. This is probably a bad way to see the world and a good way to get trapped in a bubble of disinformation, but it’s the only way I got, so.
Carlin was at ground zero for many of the events of the Troubles in the seventies. Among them is the murder of Joanne Mathers, a census taker in a rough neighborhood at the exact moment one would not wish to be the face of Big Government. Mathers had been harassed by thugs while going door to door and Carlin had given her shelter, aid, and directions to a safer section of town. She was attacked and shot dead by a masked gunman before his very eyes mere minutes after leaving his front door. Carlin, being the local face of Sinn Féin, endured his neighbors’ abuse for being associated with her brutal pointless murder by proxy.
He also lost a cousin who was working as a waitress at the disco when the Ballykelly bombing happened. It’s interesting to get an inside perspective about the Republican blood feud between the IRA and the INLA, who had carried out the attack. The INLA thought the Provos were a bunch of half hearted bitches who didn’t have the stomach to go all out, while the IRA saw them as a bunch of undisciplined psychopathic loose cannons. In this case, Carlin tried to rat out the INLA bomber to his handlers, except the IRA beat him to the punch and ratted him out to the RUC first, which should give an idea about how repulsed and disgusted everybody involved was at such high civilian casualties to so little purpose.
Also of note was the dual murders of Jeffrey Agate and James Nicholson, two outside businessmen who had invested in the Derry community to set up industry and were murdered when the IRA was going through its “Baader-Meinhof” phase of leftist terrorism. The two men had no direct connection to the British state and were killed solely for being factory owners.
All of these cruelties and more besides happened after Carlin signed on with MI5 and cemented his commitment to his role. One passage in particular shows how the “armed struggle” advocates viewed the world and Carlin’s reaction to it- a group of labor activists from England) came over to Derry to fundraise for their strike. A couple of “the boys” advised them thus-
Over in Waterside on the Friday night, some of the nutters from the local IRA ‘fuck-up squad’ told them to approach Martin McGuinness for weapons to ‘sort out the fuckin’ English Cops’ who were being used by Margaret Thatcher to try to defeat them. One IRA volunteer, known locally as ‘Curney’, said, ‘Listen to me; you’ve got to hit them in the balls. Stiff a couple of cops and you’ll tip the tables on them.’ Another of the IRA unit turned to the miners. ‘He’s right, but if you get the weapons, don’t be shooting any cops on the picket line. What you have to do is send out “scouts” and find out where the fuckers live. Find out where their wives go and what school their wains [children] go to, then turn up some morning and stiff two or three of the cops in their driveways. I promise you, Thatcher will shite herself and have a rethink.’
There is something truly comedic in asking an IRA gunman for advice about a bitter industrial dispute between labor and capital, and he gives it a think over and goes, “Have you tried killing cops yet?”
However, in fairness, he was also ground zero for violence from other sources which he also objected to about equally. Two young IRA men from his community were ambushed and slaughtered by the SAS on the anniversary of the Ballykelly bombing, which struck Carlin and everybody in Carlin’s community as a revenge killing indistinguishable from the actions of the IRA or the UVF. At their funeral, three thousand mourners turned out ready to fight for the right to bury them in dignity. Challenging them was a small army of RUC men. What followed was a running battle/riot/stand-off to get the corpses to the place of burial, with constant negotiations with the coppers about what compromises to make in terms of cultural symbols- use the hearse or not, drape the tricolor flag on the coffin or not, with or without the black beret and gloves. During one skirmish, the pallbearer standing next to Carlin was shot in the head with a plastic bullet and died. His description of the running street battle kind of reminds me of two Stone Age tribes battering each other about, trying to yank down the other’s sacred fetishes to prove dominance.
There was also a darkly hilarious scene just before his cover was blown where Carlin was hunted down by a UVF hit squad over a misunderstanding. I say darkly hilarious in a bleak and humorless way, like if your car breaks down in a rainstorm and when you step out into the dark to walk to that town a half mile back, you immediately break your ankle. Like, it isn’t funny, but so many things went wrong in a row, that it’s good to just stop and let it sink in just how stupid it all is.
Carlin’s cousin across town was married to a man who’d recently left the UDR. The man, Dougie McElhinney, was paranoid because two paramilitary-lookin’ dudes had been shadowing him for days despite the well publicized fact that the IRA had issued blanket amnesty for anyone who had retired from the Army or the UDR. Carlin’s cousin knew that he was in deep with Sinn Féin and probably knew people in the IRA; could he possibly double check if the amnesty was still in place, and also whether Dougie was on a hit list or not?
Carlin hit up a guy who knew a guy and passed the request along, and a few days later got an answer- yeah sure the amnesty is still in place, why wouldn’t it be, and nobody even knew who Dougie was, let alone wanted him dead. He’s in the clear, no worries. Carlin went to tell his cousin and her husband the good news in person and spent the evening jawing about his Army days and having dinner with them and generally settling their nerves.
Eighteen hours later Dougie was murdered by a hit team. Carlin was pissed off about being lied to and went to go confront the IRA about killing his cousin’s husband over some stupid shit, only to find out that it had been those crazy INLA fuckers going off half-cocked again.
Except the local UVF fellas didn’t see things that way. They figured good ole Dougie McElhinney had been given the Judas kiss by that Fenian fucker Willie Carlin- set up to be murdered in cold blood after being given assurances of safety. Next thing he knew, Carlin was dodging bullets doing triple the speed limit to lose his attackers.
I say all this not to recreate Thatcher’s Spy in its entirety, but to give a snapshot of “Oh shit that’s how things do be sometimes” for the reader. It’s one thing to read up on the details of a fight from way long ago. It’s another to live through it, and Carlin does a hell of a job live-streaming decades old events from the Troubles from the perspective of a Derry Sinn Féin operative. For this particular perspective, you could have excised all mention of espionage from his memoir and it still would have been an amazing primary source to read through.
One of the minor themes in the book is just how crooked Derry elections were.
The two main strategies for Sinn Féin on Election Day were “personating” and straight up stealing votes.
Personating was when you took someone’s voting card who either couldn’t or wouldn’t vote and went to the poll disguised as them. Stealing was just what it sounds like- you get the name and home address of some professional, like a doctor or lawyer who probably voted late in the day and show up to the poll claiming to have lost your voter card, and if the address given matches the address on file that rando who showed up first got to vote.
It was fairly blatant, apparently. Election security was close to nonexistent. The only saving grace was that such blatant cheating appears to have had little effect on the outcome; at no point in Carlin’s twelve year career in politics did the personating or stealing turn a loss into a win or vice versa. The margins were just never that close. Cheating was a way to generate an extra thousand votes by jamming your thumb on the scale, but with heavy enough weights on either side a thumb can’t do much.
Carlin claims that it was one of those things where everyone knows what’s happening and everyone does it, but nobody is willing to shoot themselves in the foot by trying to fix it first and maybe losing an election over it. But then the right report hit the right desk and the bureaucrats got leverage to force a change. Carlin’s reports were, according to him, instrumental in passing the legislation in the UK to tighten up election security.
There were also significant portions of the book devoted to Carlin’s personal life, especially in the opening and at the end. The British State was pretty good to him and his family, giving them a home and steady pay in exchange for military service in the sixties and keeping them safe and secure after they had to flee Derry in 1985. Other spies and soldiers may have gotten fucked by the Ministry of Defense, but not the Carlins.
Carlin is sparse with the details but painfully vulnerable when he talks about his dead children. None of them died violently, but there is no such thing as a three foot long coffin without a parent’s tears covering it.
One of the unspoken but hard to miss implications of Carlin’s spycraft is that it almost certainly ruined his marriage. I mean, he explicitly says that after they fled to England his marriage collapsed in a series of fights “that were not her fault”, so the stress of uprooting themselves from their community was clearly at play. But even before that, Carlin’s involvement in politics seems to have completely blotted out his home life. In every chapter through his teenage years to his military service, he’s mentioning his wife, how she’s dealing with living in Germany, how their home was set up, the joy of childbirth, the comforts given by his kin in times of sorrow. Then MI5 gets their claws in him and from then on it’s nothing but intrigue, electioneering, and espionage. His kids go from toddlers in the first chapters to teenagers in the last without a single fucking word about their development, their personalities, or their impact on the Carlin homestead. His wife is barely even a background character in Willie’s story until they wind up in an English safe house. I mean, I know that the whole point of the memoir is to focus on being “Thatcher’s Spy” and all, but you don’t have to be a professional marriage counselor to read the writing on that wall.
Carlin’s divided loyalties make for an interesting case study. He considered himself loyal to the Derry Catholic community, and his efforts to improve their material position and give them representation were not merely a front to gain trust. Likewise, his role as a spy for the British did not stop him from sharing his fellows’ hatred for the RUC’s casual bigotry and abuses. However, while he sympathized with the grievances that gave rise to it, he utterly detested the irrational and immoral violence of the armed struggle, and indeed was fairly open about it within Sinn Féin. His was one of the loudest voices in Derry to lean more heavily towards the ballot box and further away from the Armalite. What’s bizarre to me is that he passed information primarily about the ballot box to the British and rarely about the Armalite; which is to say, he ratted on the only thing he cared about and left the object of his hatred largely untouched. However, by the end of the book, I think he advanced the case pretty well that cooperation with and empowerment of the British Deep State by betraying Sinn Féin‘s trust was ultimately for the good of his community, if only because the spook show preferred Sinn Féin successfully raising hell in Parliament to the IRA successfully raising hell in Manchester.
But the primary stumbling block to this “I spied on Sinn Féin for the Greater Good” declaration is that he had been spying for years before his handlers let him know the impact of his work. It wasn’t until after Carlin reported a furious argument between McGuinness and Ivor Bell that he found out that the Brits were exploiting that power struggle within the IRA to favor the McGuinness-Adams faction that advocated for political activism at the expense of terrorism. Before that, for all he knew he was setting up his buddy McGuiness to get got by the SAS or some UVF hit squad. His role as a sleeper agent came before his knowledge of what the information was being used for, and I simply have no other way to read that particular timeline.
In any case, accurate or not, that is how Carlin justifies his double dealing. I think that I am inclined to believe that his self-image is at least somewhat based in reality, if only because of what he wasn’t. In an era where supergrasses) enraged and terrified both the Nationalist and Loyalist insurgents, Carlin never turned Queen’s evidence to put any of his erstwhile mates behind bars. Not that that would have saved him, had he not gotten the fuck out of Dodge one step ahead of the IRA’s internal security guys.
submitted by mcjunker to theschism [link] [comments]

Fiends With Benefits in "Strahdenovia Must Die Tonight"

The below account of my group "Fiends with Benefits" and their attempt to kill Strahd (or in my game, Strahdenovia) von Zarovich. Incredibly massive thank you to u/captainshar for putting these notes together.

Cast and DM:

Midnight, the Drawbridge:

Ireena’s four rescuers hold on for dear life as Van Richten drives a Vistana carriage wildly up to the Ravenloft drawbridge. It is open: Count Strahdenovia von Zarovich expects us this night. Van Richten reassures us that we have the power of goodness and the sun on our side, as the Symbol of Ravenkind faintly gleams.
Tina, the druid, flashes a grin as she conjures goodberries and hands two to each of her friends (Goodberry). Drusila, the wizard, focuses, flipping through her notes and spells. Volri, the cleric, murmurs into her holy symbol of Selune. Waken, the paladin, handles her warhammer with a white-knuckle grip. The lightning cracks and rain pours down.
Suddenly Van Richten is seized from the driver’s seat. We fly over the drawbridge, horses lunging in terror. Now the horses are gone too, ripped out of their traces. The carriage careened and crashed over in the courtyard, Drusila and Tina tumbling awkwardly to the side (taking 3pts of damage). We haul ourselves from the overturned carriage and look up in the sky in time to see gargoyles ripping Van Richten (and the horses) to bloody shreds.
“Quickly! Into the castle!” We rush through the open gates.
We are here, in Castle Ravenloft.

The Entrance (dragon and gargoyle rooms) - we seek Ireena:

Waken slams the front gates shut on the gargoyles. We press through the next set of doors to a larger entry hall filled with unmoving gargoyle statues. She ties cords around the wrists of the rescuers, stabbing her thumb with the thorn on her holy symbol so the blood runs down and dyes the cords red, calling on Ilmater for Aid (Aid, 5 max HP for everyone for the next 8 hours).
“Our fates are now bound together to relieve the suffering of Ireena Kolyana, to kill the mistress of this house, or to die trying.”
Van Richten had told us that Strahdenovia had most likely brought her prey to the Queen’s Bedroom. Drusila reaches into her powers of divination. Calling up the memory of Ireena, she feels a tug towards her location: directly above us (Locate Creature, Ireena is directly above the gargoyle room).
We quickly look around and see the northern stairs, which we take up the left side. Two suits of armor lunge at us out of the darkness, thudding into Waken and Volri. Waken casts light at the top of the steps (Light) and Volri prepares herself to encounter more trouble (Resistance).

The Audience Hall - Strahdenovia’s first appearance:

The sunsword feels warm in Volri’s hand. Tap, tap, the sound of heels striking stone resounds as the shadowy figure on the throne rises. She demands to know what we are doing here, voice sultry and dangerous.
“We were just looking for the bathroom!” cracks Tina.
“You know there’s no bathroom in Castle Ravenloft,” she replies.
Volri and Drusila’s hands are reaching forward full of energy, Waken is casting a pleading glance back at her friends to ask permission to offer a formal challenge. Strahdenovia gives us no time to deliberate. (Roll for initiative! We all roll horribly - several nat 1s - and Strahdenovia easily takes the first turn.)
Strahdenovia stares at Waken. “What am I going to do about… you,” she says. Waken meets the vampire’s gaze steadily (unable to be charmed as a Devotion paladin). Strahdenovia lazily raises a hand and coats Waken’s armor in ice (Ray of Frost), but the chill fails to penetrate the paladin’s plate mail. The countess’s eyes narrow.
Volri’s Guiding Bolt strikes out at the vampire, and Drusila’s triple purple flames of Scorching Ray. Does Strahdenovia seem ill at ease from being struck by their magic? She laughs and melts through the floor.
At a loss, we turn to Drusila - which way to Ireena? Still upwards. Volri checks for traps - if Strahdenovia was expecting us here, it was probably dangerous (Find Traps). But, there are no traps. Tina lights the way with a tiny flame held in her palm (Produce Flame).
We go through the door next to the throne room, hoping to find more upwards stairs.

Accountant’s room - Wraith and Specters:

It’s a small room. An old woman, Leah Leipseige, glares at us suspiciously from behind a desk.
Suspicious that this is just an old woman, Waken uses Divine Sense to ascertain that she isn’t undead. “I’m Lady Waken Tassair, and who might you be?” Moving closer, we can see that the old woman’s hand is manacled to the desk. Tina looks at her quizzically, wondering if the woman’s fear is genuine or if her mind has been affected by her mistress.
“Maybe we can help you, but we’re looking for Miss Kolyana.”
“I don’t need any help, what are you talking about? The mistress will be very angry with me for talking to you. Don’t come any closer. You’re attacking me!” And with a deep fear, she reaches up to pull a second chain.
A wraith and two specters drift menacingly up from the floor. One brushes a dead, ghostly hand across Waken’s cheek, hurting her but unable to wrest deeper life from her marrow (won CON save vs. necrotic HP reduction). “The grave cannot hold me!” Waken cries out, holding her thorny rose aloft (Turn the Unholy).
One of the specters flees through the wall. The rescuers move into the tiny accountant’s room to lay into the wraith and other specter. More purple flames fly from Drusila (Fire Bolt) while Celestina uses the Blood Spear to strike at the specter. Volri lets a Sacred Flame burn into the wraith with radiant damage. Waken remembers her brush with death to give a specter pause (Chill Touch). We face off, managing to avoid all but one draining strike, (reduces Tina’s HP total by 20), but they do inflict damage before we can shred their ghostly forms.
We briefly try to free the accountant, but she is not willing and we have no way to break her chains. Volri moves the wraith-summoning pull out of poor Leah’s reach. We see the room is filled with chests, but Waken reminds everyone that the other specter may return at any moment, so we push through the far door and, full of luck, find a spiral staircase going higher.

Second floor landing of the High Tower - Rats:

Volri leading the way, Waken and the drained Tina keeping near each other, and Drusila watching our backs, we come to a second-floor landing. Drusila feels her divined pull towards Ireena, so despite ominous chittering sounds, we step on to the landing.
Rats pour out of two suits of armor. Before we can move past them, they swarm Volri and Waken (lost initiative… again). While they have a tough time with the paladin’s plate mail, they dot nasty little bites all up and down Volri’s legs. Drusila’s purple flames burn into them, Volri burns more of them with the sunsword, and Waken smashes dozens of plump bodies with her warhammer while shielding her allies as best she can (Protection fighting style). Tina gets a gleam in her eye and skewers a cordon of rats with the Blood Spear - twice - and licks their blood off the spear to use its magic and restore some of her health (gained temporary HP).
It takes too long, but we finish the vile little beasts.

Ruined Feast, Bathing Chamber - Strahdenovia’s second appearance:

Behind the next doors we find a wedding cake in shadows, ruined, topped with a figurine with pale skin, black hair, and a ruby around her throat. Volri reaches for the figurine while Waken casts Light on one of the dining chairs. Wish a rush and a splatter, the cake explodes with enough force to shatter a window looking out on the courtyard.
In the light, we look over our injuries. Everyone is bloody, and Volri and Waken look like they’ve been half eaten alive. Celestina asks Waken for the healing boon she mentioned earlier. Waken sings a song of hope (Beacon of Hope), and Tina expends a warm rush of fey energy to powerfully close her friends’ wounds (Balm of the Summer Court), leaving herself with no more power of the memories of summer. Waken places a hand on Volri and herself while the song’s effects linger (Cure Wounds x 2).
Drusila indicates that Ireena is north and west of this room. Seeing a door to the west, Waken opens it and steps through. (We roll initiative.) Before the others can follow, it slams shut.
Tina and Drusila both try to pull the door open, but it’s locked tight. Then -
Tap, tap, tap. The sound of heels striking stone resounds from the spiral stairs. Lady Strahdenovia leaps from the ceiling straight on to Drusila, pulls her to her chest, and fills her mouth with the tiefling wizard’s blood. Drusila gasps, some of her life force gone to the ancient vampire (max HP lowered).
Waken shouts “I’m coming!” and pulls the portable ram she had packed out of her backpack. With one crack she breaks through the door back into the Ruined Feast room. Again she meets the Countess’s gaze: “I, Waken of House Tassair, demand satisfaction from the self-styled Countess Strahdenovia von Zarovich, for her dishonor of Ireena Kolyana and neglect of the duties of protection owed her subjects of the County of Barovia.” (Casts Compelled Duel.)
Strahvanovia chuckles, and in her sultry voice, “Oh, you’re not my target yet.” (Makes the WIS save.)
Volri, shimmering with the radiant energy of Selune, aims a Guiding Bolt that barely misses the vampire. With narrowed eyes at the cleric’s strong faith, Strahdenovia moves as if to summon some bats, thinks better of it, says “You’re stronger than I remembered,” and laughs her way further towards the spiral steps. Celestina attempts to reach into that twisted mind, but it is too warped (Confusion, Strahdenovia makes the WIS save). Drusila uses the Staff of Frost to let out a wintry blast (Cone of Cold), which the countess cannot fully evade.
Strahdenovia looks back at us, heat growing behind her eyes. Suddenly a small flame rips from her clawed fingertips back towards the ruined feast, and us behind it. It catches Volri full in the face, sparing the others a bit. Waken seems completely unscathed (Shield Master) and Tina reabsorbs some warmth from the flames (Absorb Elements). Volri again guides the light of Selune (Guiding Bolt) towards the vampire, but she is too nimble, and disappears from view.
From the chatlog:
Tsarina:we're not penetrating her :( Celestina Cloudseeker ::( Tsarina:me just sobbing into my lesbian pride flag Waken Tassair:this fight is so beautiful
Celestina casts Cure Wounds on Volri, and Waken comforts Drusila from the vampire’s bite with a hug, while a bit of golden light pours from the paladin into the pierced wizard (Lay on Hands).
Unable to catch up with the vampire, we again seek Ireena.
The room through the broken door has a bathtub, full of blood. Disgusted by the thought of innocents being slain for this vanity, Waken plunges her arms into the blood, attempting to at least honor the dead by taking a memory of their suffering onto her body. Two shriveled hands reach out and grasp her arms, and a dead woman rises from the bath. The others must pull the paladin away from her disturbed fascination with the now completely empty bathing pool.
Casting Light once more, we see a door to the north. Drusila now feels the comforting, effervescent tingle of the nearness to Ireena (Locate Creature still active).

The Queen’s Bedroom - Ireena Kolyana:

There, standing before a magnificent four-poster draped in red velvet, is the beautiful, freckled Ireena Kolyana. Waken sees her first - “Miss Kolyana?” she calls softly.
“Is that you, Waken? All of you? Thank you for coming! I hadn’t thought to see you again,” Ireena replies, gently.
We step into the stately, ominous bedchamber of Countess Strahdenovia.
From the chatlog…
Tsarina:time????? TO ???? SIMP HERE WE GO Celestina Cloudseeker :Stradenovia can attack me in here anytime
“What are you doing here? Are you alright?” asks Celestina.
“I don’t know what you mean. Yes, I am alright. I, I am to be wed before dawn,” Ireena claims, shyly.
Her eyes appear glassy, and we think back to our own experiences being charmed by the vampire queen.
“Are you sure you want to be here?” Volri offers.
“Why, yes. The mistress has forbidden me to leave this room.”
We look at each other. Tina nods. “May I cast a spell on you? It will make you look lovely for the wedding,” but her voice cracks (Deception nat 1), and Ireena frowns.
“Let me give you a necklace, for the wedding,” Volri offers (Persuasion 9). She nods. Ireena sits on the edge of the bed, holding her wavy red hair back for the half-orc’s suddenly trembling hands. Volri reaches around Ireena’s neck, gently adding a silver chain with a symbol of Selune.
From the chatlog:
Tsarina:me, finally giving the girl of my dreams a beautiful necklace someone needs to stop me. my heart Waken Tassair:waken is kinda sinking to her knees a bit, overcome by this display of love
While Volri dresses Ireena in the necklace of Selune, Tina casts Greater Restoration.
Fear rushes in where the glassiness fades. “She - she’s going to kill me and lock me in the crypts! I can’t stay here!”
“We’ve got you. We won’t let her kill you,” Volri reassures her (Death Ward on Ireena), helping her up, and touching her holy symbol to the matching one around Ireena's neck so it faintly glows. Ireena takes one of Volri’s green hands and one of Waken’s golden tan ones.
“Stay within arm’s reach of me, and she won’t be able to do that to you again,” Waken says, patting Ireena’s hand.
We debate where to go, because Strahdenovia is unlikely to let her “betrothed” flee without a fight. Drusila wants us to look for somewhere dark so we can perhaps rest, and Waken wants to go somewhere large and open where we can see the vampire approach. Ireena suggests the Study, which is right next door.
Volri opens the door, hoping it might be a suitable place to make a stand.

The Study - Rahadina:

The half-orc cleric is greeted with a twist of steel in the ribs.
“The mistress said she was not to leave the bedchamber,” Rahadina purrs, sliding into view from her ambush.
Volri lunges into combat with the Strahdenovia’s dark elf retainer. Fearing that the mistress herself will use this distraction to recapture Ireena when they’ve not even made it out of the bedchamber, Waken hesitates, urging the others forward to stay in her protective auras.
Drusila casts Blight. Dark veins pop out on Rahadina’s face. She laughs with her Deathly Choir, causing Volri, Waken, and Tina to start nosebleeds. Drusila’s violet flames lick around the doorframe, unable to find their target (Scorching Ray). Volri fights bravely with the sunsword but is getting the worst of it. Waken, afraid to leave Ireena, sticks a foot out awkwardly to try to hook Rahadina’s, nearly succeeding. Tina withdraws out of the range of another Deathly Choir. Angry, the half-elf druid casts Flaming Sphere behind Rahadina.
Rahadina backs up further into the study, plucking a single earring and throwing it at Drusila, who takes the full force of a poisoned dart. Volri takes a moment to heal herself (Healing Word).
Waken can’t watch Volri take the undivided attention of the trained warrior any more, so, entrusting Ireena to Drusila and Tina, steps into the room. She grasps Rahadina by the collar, throws her to the ground, shoves her shield on top of the elf, plants a mailed boot on her calf, and pushes the retainer’s head further into the Flaming Sphere (Grapple, Shield Master, Unarmed Strike crit). The flames lick around the paladin’s calves, barely scathing the half-elf, but Rahadina’s braids start to burn.
Rahadina struggles to break free but Waken keeps her pinned firmly to the Study floor. No longer struggling against the paladin’s weight, Strahdenovia’s right-hand woman reaches into our minds again. Blood pours from Volri and Waken’s ears from the psychic screams. Celestina heals everyone (Mass Cure Wounds). Pressing their advantage, Volri strikes with the sunsword and Drusila lets an enormous ball of fire fill the already smoke-filled conservatory (Fireball) and Tina rolls the Flaming Sphere into her again. Letting her shield go, Waken slams the warhammer into Rahadina’s ribs, causing her to cough up blood. Looking on in pity, Volri draws the sunsword through Rahadina’s throat (half-orc triple crit).
Still kneeling on Rahadina, Waken whispers “You were a good servant to an evil mistress. You deserved better,” and kisses her forehead gently.
A violent flash of lightning and thunder peals through the window in the bedchamber behind them. The land, someone, is not pleased.
To be continued…
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